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The Dock mode of the Deliver app assists with dock management and inventory movements. 

Dock mode is used by a single facility to load and unload trucks and to move inventory to different positions within the facility.

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Dock Options

Tap Activity or Demand from the Dock Options page.

  • Activity: View inventory through the activities assigned to a worker. Use this activity to load or unload specific trucks.
  • Demand: View inventory through order-based groupings of handling units. Use this option to look for work on a specific order. 


Tap Activity on the Dock Options page to view a filtered list of activities for the home facility associated with your "worker" in Transport + Deliver.

If an activity is set to a facility that is not your home facility, it will not appear in this list. This filtering out of other facilities helps dock workers focus on their home facility.

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This list displays several details for each activity:

  • Activity ID 
  • position
  • number of logistics orders
  • number of handling units
  • activity status

To find an activity in the list, you can:

  • scroll through the list
  • use the search field, which will filter down as you enter text or numbers
  • tap the camera icon to scan a barcode

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Activity Details

Tap an activity to navigate to the Activity Details page. 

This page displays:

  • Activity ID
  • status
  • summary information
  • number of orders
  • number of handling units

Click the refresh icon to update the page with the newest data.

Select an activity line and tap the hamburger menu to view options.

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Hamburger Menu

The menu options are configurable within Microsoft D365 and Transport + Deliver.

  • The options above the line are actions to do against the selected activity.
  • The options below the line will navigate you to other pages in the app.

titleBlind Unload

This option is used when a truck arrives with unknown inventory onboard. It allows you to spin up an order and handling units based on details that you select.

Tap Blind Unload to open the Select LO Type page.

Tap to select the desired logistics order type. 

You can tap the camera icon to scan a license plate number off each handling unit coming off the truck or tap the text box and enter a license plate number.

Click Ok to push the license plate number to D365.

You can also tap the Handling Unit drop-down list to select a type.

Click Complete to end the activity.

  • You will see a green success banner if the activity ends successfully.

  • You will see a blue information banner if the action is queued for processing in Transport + Deliver. Once processed, it is tied to the activity selected in app.


Select an activity line and tap Unload.

This will open a list of handling units for that line.

You can filter the list of handling units, if needed, by tapping the text box and entering a handling unit number or tapping the camera icon to scan a barcode.

titleHandling Unit Inquiry

Tap the hamburger menu and select Handling Unit Inquiry to open the Handling Unit Inquiry page.


This page displays detailed information about the handling unit, including child handling units, sibling handling units, and paired activities.

Tap to select the handling unit(s) to unload and then tap Start.


If unloading multiple handling units, select them in the sequence you wish to unload them in. When you finish with the first handling unit, the next one will open automatically and save you from returning to the list and selecting them one at at time.

Tap Next to open the Order Details page, which displays:

  • order number
  • customer name
  • customer address
  • destination (the final delivery location)
  • handling-unit details

Tap the camera icon on the top bar to capture images and attach them as notes.

Use the Scan Position field to determine what position to unload inventory to. This is useful when you do not want to unload straight into a warehouse position but instead into another staging position. 

You can tap and enter a position in the text box or tap the camera icon to scan a barcode.

Tap OK

You will see a "putting to position" info box letting you know something is happening.

You will also see a success bar at the top if the action is successful.

Back on the Handling Unit Details page you should now see the updated position.


Select an activity line and tap Load.

This will open a list of handling units for that line.

You can filter the list of handling units, if needed, by tapping the text box and entering a handling unit number or tapping the camera icon to scan a barcode.

titleHandling Unit Inquiry

Tap the hamburger menu and select Handling Unit Inquiry to open the Handling Unit Inquiry page.


This page displays detailed information about the handling unit, including child handling units, sibling handling units, and paired activities.

Tap to select the handling unit(s) to load and then tap Start.


If loading multiple handling units, select them in the sequence you wish to load them in. When you finish with the first handling unit, the next one will open automatically and save you from returning to the list and selecting them one at at time.

Tap Next to open the Order Details page, which displays:

  • order number
  • customer name
  • customer address
  • destination (the final delivery location)
  • handling-unit details

Tap the camera icon on the top bar to capture images and attach them as notes.

Use the Scan Position field to determine what position to load inventory to. This is useful when you do not want to load straight into a truck but instead into another staging position. 

You can tap and enter a position in the text box or tap the camera icon to scan a barcode.

Tap OK

You will see a "putting to position" info box letting you know something is happening.

You will also see a success bar at the top if the action is successful.

Back on the Handling Unit Details page you should now see the updated position.

titleCollection Data

This option is used if there is a requirement to collect data on the inventory at stops or during the activity.


A company wants to record a trailer seal at certain points along the activity.

Select an activity.

Enter the requested data.

Tap Ok.


Tap Demand to open the Scan Demand page.

You will not see a list of activities; orders come through constantly and the list would be too long. Instead, you can scan or search for an order.

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Tap and enter a number in the text box or tap the camera icon to scan a barcode. You can search by order or license plate number.

Tap Next to open an overview of the order.

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Select a handling unit on the order to open the Handling Unit Details page, which displays:

  • customer information
  • order information
  • handling unit details

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While viewing the handling unit details, tap the hamburger menu to view options:


Tap Unload.

Tap Start.

Click Next to open the Order Details page, which displays:

  • order number
  • customer name
  • customer address
  • destination (the final delivery location)
  • handling-unit details

Tap the camera icon on the top bar to capture images and attach them as notes.

Use the Scan Position field to determine what position to unload inventory to. This is useful when you do not want to unload straight into a warehouse position but instead into another staging position. 

You can tap and enter a position in the text box or tap the camera icon to scan a barcode.

Tap OK

You will see a "putting to position" info box letting you know something is happening.

You will also see a success bar at the top if the action is successful.

Back on the Handling Unit Details page you should now see the updated position.


Tap Load.

Tap Start.

Tap Next to open the Order Details page, which displays:

  • order number
  • customer name
  • customer address
  • destination (the final delivery location)
  • handling-unit details

Tap the camera icon on the top bar to capture images and attach them as notes.

Use the Scan Position field to determine what position to load inventory to. This is useful when you do not want to load straight into a truck but instead into another staging position. 

You can tap and enter a position in the text box or tap the camera icon to scan a barcode.

Tap OK

You will see a "putting to position" info box letting you know something is happening.

You will also see a success bar at the top if the action is successful.

Back on the Handling Unit Details page you should now see the updated position.


Tap Transfer.

Enter (or tap the camera icon to scan) the position the handling unit will be transferred to in the Scan Position field.

Tap Ok


Tap Print to print labels.

The labels do not print from your phone. The app connects to Transport + Deliver to find printers associated with D365.


Tap Damage.

Tap the hamburger menu again and select Add Tag.

Tap the hamburger menu again and select Damaged.

Add a note to describe the damage.

Refresh the page to view the new tag.

titleHandling Unit Inquiry

Tap Handling Unit Inquiry to open the Handling Unit Inquiry page. 

This page displays detailed information about the handling unit, including child handling units, sibling handling units, and paired activities.

titleChange Parent

Tap Change Parent to open the current parent information.

Enter or scan a new parent into the field and tap Save.

Tap Confirm on the Selection Confirmation dialog box.

While viewing the order information, tap the hamburger menu to view options.

titleAdd Handling Unit

Select Add Handling Unit.

You can tap to enter a handling unit number in the text box or tap the camera icon to scan a barcode.

Enter the following information:

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Tap Save.


Tap Print to print labels.

The labels do not print from your phone. The app connects to Transport + Deliver to find printers associated with D365.