Expand the work flow to display individual work flow details.
The work flow details are where everything comes together: statuses, action types, etc.
Multiple work flows (and therefore work flow details) can be specified for various levels.
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Click New Work Flow Detail to create a work flow detail. Click Edit to edit a work flow detail.
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Sequence | The sequence of this detail in the work flow. | Button Name | The name on the button that is visible when the work flow detail is triggered. | Success/Failure Alert | The desired success and/or failure alert(s). | Alert Only Contributors | Controls whether alerts are sent exclusively to users who have interacted with the transaction or all users subscribed to the alert with access to the trading partner. This toggle button is hidden until a success or failure alert is selected, and it defaults to "off." |
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title | Notes and Reason Codes |
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Note | Controls whether a note is required when the work flow detail is executed. | Reason Code | Controls whether a reason code is required when the work flow detail is executed. | Reason Code Category | Controls which reason codes are available for selection. |
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Result Status | The detail status. | Status Low Range | The lower limit for the work flow detail. | High | The upper limit for the work flow detail. |
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Code | The code (or name) for the work flow detail. | Description | Detailed description. | Validate from UI | Controls whether the work flow detail can be validated from the UI. | Validation | The validation system action. If no validation is desired, select DoNothingValidation. | Process | The process system action. If no system processing is desired, select DoNothingProcessing. | Child Transaction Type | The business transaction type for the child of the work flow detail. This is useful for situations where an action on the parent business transaction causes a change to any related children. | System Key | The system key. System keys are used to control UI functionality. |
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Method | Controls how the action behaves: - Action: Does not prompt the user.
- Modal: Requires more interaction.
| Required | Controls whether this step is required to move to a closed status. | Auto Fire | Controls whether this step automatically processes if the previous step completes successfully, | Decrement Status | Controls whether the action can lower the status (move the status backward). It is possible to set up a status that should not go backward. | Allow Simple Transaction | Applies to PO flow. |