The images are also added to the Images bank on the corresponding logistics order forms.
Further Notes on Driver Mode
Since the Deliver app runs on the user's mobile phone, the phone needs to allow location access to the app. This allows the app to track the driver's movements while the resource is using the app. This is necessary to show that the driver arrived at the actual pickup and delivery locations, but it also provides a complete view of the Activity via GPS pings. Upon completion of an Activity, the user can select the Route Map button on the Activity Maintenance screen, which will allow the user to review the actual route taken by the resource. This will also highlight any unexpected deviations from the route. The time and distance between GPS pings are configurable from the Parameters form in the Logistics Execution module.
Inbound Process Queue
While the Route Map makes a record of the GPS pings recorded along the Activity, the Inbound Process Queue (IPQ) keeps a timestamped record of the Actions executed along the Activity. The IPQ keeps a record of the date and time that the Action was submitted, as well as the date and time that the Action was actually executed in the system. The Inbound Process Queue can be found on the Activity Maintenance form in the View pane of the ribbon.