The Lookup Type configuration allow you to define lookup types so that they can be leveraged in the Calculation Types Types configuration.
Lookup types are static tables that function like VLOOKUP in Excel. One main difference is that values can be looked up using multiple columns.
Click New Lookup Type to add a lookup type. Click Edit to edit a lookup type.
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FIELD | DESCRIPTION | Name | Lookup type name. | Description | Detailed description of the lookup type. | Related Table | Internal table that the lookup fields reference (e.g., when Field type lookup fields are added). | IsConstants | For constants, only one information field can be defined. Additionally, it will automatically key the data and only allow constant informational data to be configured. | Auto Key | Prevents the creation of lookup fields and instead auto-increments an ID. |
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Lookup fields are used for record selection. Informational fields are used to contain the resulting data. FIELD | DESCRIPTION |
Name | Lookup field name. | Description | Detailed description of the lookup field. | Field Type | Lookup fields can be Informational or Lookup. - If an Informational field is added, the Data Type must be specified for the field.
If a
Lookup if If an item attribute should be used to look up a value, it needs to be specified on the corresponding Lookup Type field. |
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Upload | Upload a spreadsheet to the Lookup Type List page. The standard table format is the structure of the lookup type plus EffectiveDateStart, EffectiveDateEnd, and Active columns. | Role Access | Control which user role(s) can access a specific lookup type table. | Example XML | View a sample XML to aid in creating an upload file. | Lookup Details | View a specific lookup type table and allow for updates, as necessary. |