Item Master

Item Master

The Item Master spans all trading partners and should correspond to the company's item master (and host item numbers).

Trading partner item numbering is stored on the item XREF level at the trading partner level.


It is important to configure attributes and attribute hierarchies prior to loading items. See Procurement Configurations for more information.

Select Item from the navigation menu under Procurement, Transportation Tendering, or Price Management to view the Item List page.

Item Master List View

The Item List page allows you to view and edit all items (as your security permissions allow).

Use the Filters section to filter the displayed items.

Item Master Edit View




Host Item

Host system's item number.


Detailed description for an item.


Department associated with an item.


National Motor Freight Classification value.


Weight for a single stated unit of measure.

Weight UM

Unit of measure for the stated weight.

Track Inventory

Indicates whether inventory for an item is being tracked.

Batch Controlled

Indicates whether an item is batch/lot controlled.

Mix Batch

Indicates whether mixed batches can be used to fulfill a PO.

Manufacture Date Required

Indicates whether the manufacture date must be specified for a batch.

Expiration Date Required

Indicates whether an expiration date is required for a batch.

Batch Reg Ex

Used for validation of batch numbers using regular expressions.


Indicates whether an item is currently active.





Allows configuration of pack quantity and pallet quantity (unit is assumed to be one and stated above in the Weight and Weight UM fields).

Quantity is always expressed in units (number of units in a pack, number of units in a pallet).


Weight for pack and pallet (weight for unit is specified in the Weight and Weight UM fields).

Display Name

The name for the unit/pack/pallet.


Barcodes for the unit/pack/pallet (typically GTINs).


Cost for the unit/pack/pallet.

 Inventory Thresholds




If the available quantity is below this value, the quantity on the Inventory page will be highlighted red.


If the available quantity is below this value but above the low value, the quantity on the Inventory page will be highlighted yellow.


If the available quantity is below this value but above the medium value, the quantity on the Inventory page will be highlighted green.

Values above this high value will not be highlighted.

 User Defined Values

There are eight user-defined values to store various other item values.


Allows for maintenance on any current host-defined item attributes.

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