

Backorder functionality allows you to set a time frame for all backordered inventory to be received before releasing an order. 

Sustainability: Reduce Transportation

Manage backorders with a ship-in-full philosophy that encourages businesses to reduce the frequency of shipments for a single order by waiting until all items are in stock and ready to ship.

Example: Set a backorder time fence that allows enough time for all items to be received. 

See Sustainability with Supply Chain Cloud for more information.

You can also cancel the backorder if the inventory is not received in a set period of time.


The following must be set in order to use this feature:

Sample Backorder Workflow

  1. You receive an order for demand with an inventory shortage.

  2. If you are past the ship date of the demand line and still have an inventory shortage, the order is placed on backorder.

  3. Your order is held the amount of days defined by the Held for backorder period field on the Demand Channel Template (the Held for backorder toggle on the Sales Order turns on for this amount of days).
  1. Important

    • This toggle, on its own, does not restrict Release to Warehouse or work creation; however, it can be used in queries that dictate order selection for the respective batch jobs.
    • This toggle is not editable from the sales order header. It will only change based on backorder configurations.
    1. Once that defined time period passes, your order is no longer held for backorder (the Held for backorder toggle on the Sales Order turns off).
    2. At this point, you can release to warehouse with the inventory on hand and/or wait until the backorder cancel period passed to cancel the remaining demand.

  2. The demand line is eligible for cancellation once it has passed the number of days defined by the Backorder cancel period field on the Demand Channel Template.

    1. Run the Cancel Channel Demand Backorders job to populate the Backorder Cancel Exception form.
    2. You can then manually process cancellations that fall outside the cancellation window defined on the channel.
    3. You can create reason codes on the Backorder Cancel Reason Code form to track cancelled backorders.
  3. You can also choose to automatically cancel backorders on the Demand Channel TemplateThis will automatically cancel a sales order once the defined Backorder cancel period passes.

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