Fulfillment Order Policy

Fulfillment Order Policy

Global order promising > Setup > Automatic fulfillment > Fulfillment order policy

The Fulfillment order policy form allows you to create policies, which contain groups of items, a vendor, a warehouse, and a date range.

These policies can be run through the Create Suggested Fulfillment Orders job to automatically create suggested purchase or transfer orders.


Fulfillment order policyName for the fulfillment order policy.
DescriptionDescription of the fulfillment order policy.
EnabledTurn on this toggle to enable the policy, making it usable.
Priority order type

The order type to prioritize when creating suggested fulfillment orders: Purchase order or Transfer order.

Vendor account

The vendor account number.


If you are using the Approved Vendors functionality, the vendor account must be approved for all items added to the policy.

Number of days past dueHow many days back the policy should look for demand to create fulfillment orders.
Number of lead days

How many days ahead the policy should look for demand to create fulfillment orders.

Default warehouse

The warehouse configured to receive the purchase order.

Fulfillment Order Policy Lines

This section displays all items that match the selected policy.

Create fulfillment order policy lines

Click Create fulfillment order policy lines in the ribbon to open the Create fulfillment order policy lines flyout window.

Populate items into the fulfillment order policy through the use of a query, which makes the process easier if items are grouped by policy name.

(See the Create Fulfillment Order Policy Lines section below.)

Transfer Considerations

This section displays all transfer order considerations.

Processing sequence

The processing sequence determines which warehouses to create a transfer order from first.

  • If a transfer order cannot fulfill an order in its entirety, the system moves to the next transfer order in the sequence.

  • If no transfer orders can fulfill the order and it is chosen as the Priority Order Type, the system chooses the transfer order first in the sequence.

Click Move up or Move down to change the sequence.

From warehouse

Select the warehouse to consider generating a transfer order from.

 Create Fulfillment Order Policy Lines

Create Fulfillment Order Policy Lines

Global order promising > Periodic tasks > Create fulfillment order policy lines

This periodic job accepts Fulfillment order policy as a parameter (the policy to update) and allows you to adjust an item query to designate what items should be included in the policy.

The job checks if the items are part of the fulfillment order policy and adds them if they are not.

This job is only additive; it only adds items meeting the query criteria that are not in the fulfillment order policy. Item removal must be done via the Fulfillment order policy form.

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