The Global Order Promising module provides automated processes to mass purge data from tables that can accumulate a large amount over time.
In addition, it allows you to archive channel demand.
For each job:
- Use the Number of days field to specify how much data to keep when this cleanup process runs. The system eliminates all records older than this many days from the current date.
- You can run the job in batch to purge all unnecessary information once it is no longer needed.
Demand Designation History Cleanup
Global order promising > Periodic tasks > Clean up > Demand designation history cleanup
This job relates to Demand Designation History.

Demand Reservation History Cleanup
Global order promising > Periodic tasks > Clean up > Demand reservation history cleanup
This job relates to Demand Reservation History.

Item Substitution History Cleanup
Global order promising > Periodic tasks > Clean up > Item substitution history cleanup
This job relates to Item Substitution History.

Demand Sourcing History Cleanup
Global order promising > Periodic tasks > Clean up > Demand sourcing history cleanup
This job relates to Demand Sourcing History.

Demand Validation History Cleanup
Global order promising > Periodic tasks > Clean up > Demand validation history cleanup
This job relates to Demand Validation History.

Budget Configuration History Cleanup
Global order promising > Periodic tasks > Clean up > Budget configuration history cleanup
This job relates to Budget Configuration History.

Budget Exception Cleanup
Global order promising > Periodic tasks > Clean up > Budget exception cleanup
This job relates to the Budget Exception Dashboard.

Demand Validation Exception Cleanup
Global order promising > Periodic tasks > Clean up > Demand validation exception cleanup
This job relates to Demand Validation Exception.

Channel Demand Cleanup
Global order promising > Periodic tasks > Clean up > Channel demand cleanup
The Channel demand cleanup job does not have any parameters.
This job relates to Channel Demand.

Configure the number of days before archiving and number of days before deleting in the Channel demand cleanup section of the Global Order Promising Parameters form.
When the job is executed, the system uses the parameter settings to decide what to archive and what to delete.

Backorder Exception Cleanup
Global order promising > Periodic tasks > Clean up > Backorder exception cleanup
This job relates to Backorder Cancel Exception.

Dynamic Marking History Cleanup
Global order promising > Periodic tasks > Clean up > Dynamic marking history cleanup
This job relates to Dynamic Marking History.

Validation Simulator Log Cleanup
Global order promising > Periodic tasks > Clean up > Validation simulator log cleanup
This job relates to Validation Simulator Log.

Suggested Fulfillment Order Cleanup
Global order promising > Periodic tasks > Clean up > Suggested fulfillment order cleanup
This job relates to Suggested Fulfillment Order.