Order + Route Version 60 - 2024.8.12.0

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If you have both Supply Chain Cloud and Order installed, you must use matching versions: 2024.8.12.0


The deployable package was built against Finance and Supply Chain Management version 10.0.37, and should be compatible with version 10.0.37 and newer. 


  • The Version 60 release moved to a zero-license model. 
  • This does not change the installation/upgrade process; however, you should remove the license files from your source control to ensure they are not included in any deployable packages generated by your pipelines.
  • Failure to remove the applicable license files results in an error, a failed deployment, and an automatic rollback.

New Features


Suggested Fulfillment Order Cleanup

Added the ability to automate a job to remove records from the Suggested Fulfillment Order table.

Bug Fixes


No major bugs fixed this release.


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