Transport + Deliver

Released July 2020.

New Features


Cross Operation

Fixed several issues with cross operation:

  • Added an override that enables workers paired through cross operation to perform an activity.
  • Added an operation parameter that sets a profile for cross-operation workers and is used to determine cross-paired worker action permissions.
  • Added an Activity Line Object flag that appears if a worker is cross-operation paired. The system utilizes the operation parameter for the profile to validate the worker.
  • Added the ability to use the new operation parameter profile to execute actions when a cross-operation paired worker profile is not found.

Deliver App

Added features to the Deliver app:

  • Added the Complete Activity button to the Dock page to allow users to end an inbound activity.
  • Added the Logistics Type drop-down list to the Blind Unload Scan page to allow users to view the current logistics type that the blind unload handling unit will be created against.

Deliver App

Added the ability to perform inspections from the app:

  • Added the Comment Required checkbox to the Inspection Codes table on the Inspection Type form.
  • Added the ability to configure inspection permissions.
  • Added the inspection flow to the Handling Unit page in Dock mode and the Activity Execution page in Driver mode.

End Action

Added the ability to mark all activity lines as complete using the End action:

  • Added the Complete All Lines toggle to the Actions form. This is only visible if the Action Type field is set to End.
  • Made changes to the Complete All Lines feature so that it closes out lines and updates all statuses as though the activity was run completely.
  • Made changes so that the End action can perform status changes.

Handling Unit Quantity

Added the Handling Unit Reduced to Zero Status drop-down list to the Yard Management section on the Operation Parameters form. Select a status that the handling unit should be set to if the quantity is reduced to zero during a cycle count.

Multiple Current Operations

Added the ability to select and view multiple current operations:

Added the Operation column to the Current User Sessions form.

Click the Active Operation: <operation name> button to open the Select Operation form, which has been split into sections: Active Operation Selection and Viewable Operation Configuration.

The Viewable Operation Configuration section is further split into an Available Operations section and a Viewable Operations section.

Any new viewable operations are saved on the Current User Sessions form when the Select Operation form is closed. This changes the button on the Current User Session form to Active Operation: <name of operation> | Viewable Multiple.

Non-Essential Features

Added the ability to disable non-essential features:

Added the State Distances Disabled and Hours of Service Disabled toggles to the General tab on the Operation Parameters form.

Added a warning message that displays on the Hours of Service, Hours of Service Summary, Inbound Hours of Service Queue, State Distances, and State Distance Summary forms if the respective toggle—State Distances Disabled or Hours of Service Disabled—is enabled. 

Made changes so that the system checks the status of the Hours of Service Disabled toggle before running the Hours Of Service feature.

Made changes so that the system checks the status of the State Distances Disabled toggle before running the State Distances feature.

Orphaned Handling Unit

Added the ability to create an orphaned handling unit during cycle count adjustments. This orphaned handling unit can be assigned to a logistics order from the Handling Unit Workbench at a different time.

Parent-Child Handling Units

Made changes so that the Quantity field for the parent handling unit on the Logistics Order page displays the total quantity of all child handling units. This field updates if the child handling unit quantity changes.
Added the Unit Count field to three locations:

  • Handling Units section on the Header view of the Logistics Order page
  • Handling Units tab on the Activity Demand Workbench
  • Partial Pair page accessed via the Logistics Order Lines tab on the Activity Demand Workbench
    The Unit Count field displays the number of child handling units under a parent.


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