Transport + Deliver 2021.6.1.0

Released June 2021.

New Features

Activity to Load

Added the ability to multiselect activities to push through the Activity to Load process.

Activities are pushed through the process separately; they are not pushed into the same load.

Bulk Processing

Improved the speed of the receiving process:

  • Added the ability to receive parent handling units along with their child handling units.
  • Added the ability for check-in actions to process handling units in bulk to prevent performance problems.

Deliver App
  • Added dark mode support.
  • Updated the Cancel and Save icons on the toolbar.

Logistics Order Receiving Log

Added the Logistics Order Receiving Log to capture receiving requests.

Click Process to run the processing logic for the selected record(s). 

Click View Log to view the error message saved to the record. This button is only enabled if the record includes an error message, which is indicated with red text. 

Process Logistics Order Receiving Async Log

Added the Process Logistics Order Receiving Async Log batch process to evaluate records added to the Logistics Order Receiving Log.

This job processes unprocessed records based on the order of creation.

Logistics Order Receiving Log Cleanup

Added the Logistics Order Receiving Log Cleanup job to delete records from the Logistics Order Receiving Log.

Position Assignment Cleanup

Updated the Position Assignment Cleanup job to add filtering options:

  • Added the Operation ID field.
  • Added the Days to keep field.

Bug Fixes

Activity LinesFixed an issue that cleared the Postal address field when the Search Address action was canceled. 
Depart ActionFixed the Depart action so that position assignment breakage is based on the Advanced Yard Management toggle.
Flush Inventory
  • Added a message that appears when a user attempts to flush inventory for handling units with no physical inventory in the proper location.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed unpaired handling units to be flushed.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed the system to attempt to flush inventory that did not exist.
Logistics OrderFixed an issue on the Shipment details page that prevented the Shipment ID link from opening the Shipment page.
Logistics TypesFixed an issue that allowed users to add a blank attribute on the Logistics Types form.
Outbound WorkMade changes to protect parent handling units created during outbound work generation. 
Transfer Order
  • Fixed an issue that incorrectly populated the customer when a transfer order was created from a logistics order.
  • Fixed an issue that linked the source document to a sales order instead of the original transfer order.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Logistics Order Details button on the Transfer Order page from opening a logistics order.


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