Transport + Deliver 2021.8.6.0

Released August 2021.

New Features

Activity Estimation

Added the Activity Estimation section to the General tab on the Parameters form.

There are several options that allow you to configure when activation estimation runs.

Added the ability to manually run the activity estimation process.

Click Estimate Activity on the following forms:

The form will refresh once the estimation runs.

Activity Line Sequence Merging

Added the Allow Sequence Merging toggle to the Operation Parameters form.

Turn on this toggle to enable sequence merging. 


Make sure this toggle is enabled for all existing operations in which you want to continue merging activity lines.

Activity Masters

Added the Auto-execute Enable CheckIn on Unload toggle to the Activity Masters form. 

Turn on this toggle to have the CheckIn action automatically execute when unloading to a facility that has been assigned to a warehouse.

Activity to Load in Batch

Added the Process Activity to Load periodic job to allow users to automate the activity to load process and to run it in batch.

Phantom Pairing

Improved the automatic pairing logic.

SchedulesRemoved recurrences from the scheduling process.

Scientific Logistics

Added the Records to include section to the Send Customers to Optimization and Send Orders to Optimization forms.

Select the data you wish to send.

Status Changes

Updated the Transportation Logistics Status form to allow users to configure the activity status based off the load status.

Any status changes are then pushed to Transportation + Deliver.

Bug Fixes

Activity SchedulingFixed an issue that disabled the Demand Filtering Options FastTab on the Activity Scheduling form.
Pairing & UnpairingFixed a pairing issue that caused all manual activity lines to unpair instead of only the selected lines.
Receiving & Putaway
  • Fixed an issue that caused the generic warehousing user to be used instead of the user tied to the putaway work.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented some child handling units from being received when the parent handling unit was bulk received.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented undelivered handling units from being received when they were tied to a logistics order with completed lines.
  • Fixed an issue that disabled the Generate Loading action during a cross-dock LO receive.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed users to select a putaway location during bulk receiving even though a location was specified.
Transfer UnloadsFixed an issue that caused update errors when no records were selected.


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