Order 2022.3.8.0

Released March 2022.

New Features

Backorder Cancel Exception

Added the ability to view and process exceptions that trigger when a backorder cancellation fails.

Backorder Cancel Reason Code

Added the ability to capture reason codes for backorder cancellations.

Cancel Channel Demand Backorders

Added the ability to set up a periodic job to cancel channel demand backorder records.

Demand Channel Template

Added several fields to the Demand Channel Template:

  • Use backorder management
  • Held for backorder period
  • Backorder cancel period
  • Automatically cancel backorders?
  • Backorder cancel reason code
Data Cleanup and Maintenance

Added the Backorder exception cleanup job.

Global Order Promising Parameters

Added the Manual reservation template ID parameter.

This allows you to select the reservation template to use when doing manual reservation of an order.

Manual Demand Validation and ReservationAdded the ability to validate and reserve demand from the sales order.

Reservation TemplateAdded reservation and backorder management configurations at the customer level.

Sourcing PolicyAdded a sourcing configuration at the customer level.


Added several order validations:

  • Minimum Order Amount Demand Validation
  • Minimum Line Amount Demand Validation
  • Generic Order Demand Validation
  • Generic Line Demand Validation
  • Sales Unit Demand Validation


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