Transport + Deliver 2022.4.18 Updates

Transport + Deliver 2022.4.18.10

Bug Fixes


Handling Units

Made changes to exclude handling unit creation logic when load lines are inserted through the Plan Purchase Order process.

Transport + Deliver 2022.4.18.9

Bug Fixes

Purchase Orders
  • Modified warnings that appear when a logistics execution-enabled carrier that is tied to a purchase order is scheduled.
  • Removed duplicate informational messages.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed optimization to schedule a drop-off before a pickup.

Transport + Deliver 2022.4.18.8

Bug Fixes

Base Optimization Pairing

Fixed a base optimization issue that caused unexpected address changes when three or more purchase orders or return orders were paired.

Transport + Deliver 2022.4.18.7

Bug Fixes

Purchase Orders

Fixed an issue that prevented the mode of delivery from displaying on activity lines.

Transport + Deliver 2022.4.18.6

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Reset Activity button to reset multiple logistics types.
  • Fixed an issue on the Activity Resource Workbench that prevented the resource status from updating after it was paired.

Transport + Deliver 2022.4.18.5

Bug Fixes


Logistics Orders

Fixed an issue that moved a paired logistics order to the Demand Fast Tab after a handling unit was deleted.

Transport + Deliver 2022.4.18.4

Bug Fixes

Activity Details

Fixed an issue that prevented logistics orders and logistics order lines from populating correctly.

Transport + Deliver 2022.4.18.3

Bug Fixes

Phantom Handling Units

Fixed an issue that caused phantom handling units to disappear from the phantom activity. 

Transport + Deliver 2022.4.18.2

Bug Fixes

Resource Pairing

Reverted changes made for a previous bug that allowed unavailable resources to be paired through resource coupling; this fix caused issues for clients.

Transport + Deliver 2022.4.18.1

Bug Fixes

Operation Transactions

Fixed a duplicate-record error issue that prevented operation transactions from being created.


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