Transport + Deliver 2022.6.24.0

Released June 2022.

New Features

Cross-Operation Performance

Added the Cross Operation Distance Limit operation parameter to improve cross-operation performance.

Enter a distance to limit the resources displayed for a cross-operational pair to those that fit within the set value.


The calculation is based off the distance between the last known current address of the activity being paired to and the current location of any resource that could be paired to it.

The distance calculation is then compared to the limit set in Operation Parameters. If it exceeds the limit, that resource is not displayed.


In order for this operation parameter to work as expected:
  • a map key must be set up
  • postal addresses must have latitude and longitude coordinates

Also, if this parameter is set to 0, the resource grid on the Activity Resource Workbench will behave as it did before this change—all operations will be considered for cross-operational pairing regardless of distance.

Bug Fixes

Odometer Values

Fixed an issue that prevented the distance from calculating when odometer values were entered manually.

Ship Date

Fixed an issue that prevented the Ship Date value on a transfer order from populating the Requested Date Time value on a logistics order.

Delivery Date

Fixed an issue that prevented the Delivery Date value on a purchase order from populating the Requested Date Time value on a logistics order.

Delivery RemainderFixed an issue that caused update conflicts when activity lines were deleted via the the LEXLogisticsLine relation delete action.


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