SCC Version 21 - 2020.8

Supply Chain Cloud

Bug Fixes

Account AssignmentFixed an issue that caused the Create/Edit Account Assignment pop-up window to close when OK was clicked on the Error dialog box.
Documents Tab
  • Fixed an issue accessing the Documents tab on the Edit Container pop-up window accessed from the packing page.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented documents from being viewed.
Edit ButtonFixed an issue that allowed a user to double-click a record to open the Edit pop-up window even though the Edit button was disabled.


Made changes to the Home page so that when you hover over the first two colored boxes, the cursor turns into a pointer to make it obvious they are clickable boxes.

Order ContainersFixed an issue that caused the wrong containers to be selected when items had incorrect or missing product dimensions.
Pack Station
  • Fixed an issue that allowed a closed shipment to be edited.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed a closed container to be edited.
  • Added a warning that displays when a user clicks Reopen on a closed shipment: "Reopening the container also reopens the shipment containing it. Are you sure you want to reopen the container?"
  • Disabled the Delete button for closed shipments or shipments with at least one closed container.
Rate ShopFixed an issue that caused incorrect data to be sent when rate shopping an order with non-inventory items marked as fulfillable.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented a success banner from displaying when a role was added to a user record.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Edit Role pop-up window from resizing vertically.
Translation OverrideAdded a disclaimer to the Translation Override page: "**Disclaimer* Users will need to sign out and sign in for translation overrides to take effect."
User Management
  • Fixed a sizing issue with the Packing Profile drop-down list on the Edit pop-up window accessed from the User Management page.
  • Made changes to disable the Delete button when a user highlights their own record so that they cannot delete their user record.

New Features

Account AssignmentAdded the Additional Account Number field to the Create/Edit Account Assignment pop-up window accessed from the Account Assignment configuration page.

Added a note to the documentation that Supply Chain Cloud is supported and fully tested on Google Chrome.

CarriersAdded UK domestic shipping services to FedEx.
ConfigurationsAdded the ability to open the edit pop-up window for a record by double-clicking on the table row.
DHL ExpressAdded the DHL Express Configuration page, accessed under Carrier Configuration on the navigation menu.
Pack Station
  • Added an alert that displays when an order is not found on the packing page.
  • Added the ability to create a container based on an existing container type.
  • Added the ability to pack and unpack multiple partial lines on the Pack Station page.
Password SecurityEnhanced security by obscuring carrier account passwords.
Shipment ReferencesMade changes to the Shipments page so that shipment reference numbers display in a comma-delimited lists.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management

Bug Fixes

Third-Party Records
  • Fixed an issue that prevented third-party records from being written when rate shopping in D365 Finance and Supply Chain Management.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed multiple third-party transactions to return to Supply Chain Cloud when SCC was only looking for one.  

New Features

Reference Fields
  • Added the ability to pass shipment-level reference fields to UPS.
  • Added the ability to override shipment-level reference fields passed to UPS.


Bug Fixes

Rate Shop ButtonMade changes so that the Rate Shop button and functionality is disabled on the sales order when the order status makes the button irrelevant.

New Features


Order Rate Shopping

Added the ability to execute a rate shop for a total order:

  • Added logic to calculate the number of containers shipping based on product dimension information. 
  • Added an item sub-record with product dimension information: Item, Height, Width, Length, UOM.
  • Added logic to contact the Supply Chain Cloud Rate Shop.
  • Added the Rate Shop button to sales order pages. Click this button to calculate the number of containers based off the item dimension calculation and to open the Rate Shop page with the search results.
  • Added the Rate Shop page, which displays container calculation results and the Rate Shop response. Users can then select a carrier/service/rate.
  • Added logic to update the shipping carrier, shipping method, and shipping rate when a carrier/service/rate is selected.
  • Added the ability to store carrier request/response values for viewing/troubleshooting.
Packing Slip
  • Added the Print Packlist button to the ship manifest record. Click this button to print the packing slip.  
  • Added the Use custom packing list? toggle. Turn on the toggle to have the system pull a custom packlist when Print Packlist is clicked.

Product Dimensions

Added validation to ensure the selected unit of measure on the Product Dimensions form is valid in relation to the item’s units type.

Shipping LabelAdded the Ship Manifest button to the ship manifest record. Click this button to print the shipping label for the created manifest. This will print automatically; a Print dialog box does not open to confirm your print request.

Ship-Commerce Integration

New Features

Carrier Rate DataMade changes so that carrier data is updated when a carrier rate is selected during checkout.
Pack and Ship

Added the Pack and Ship button to pack a sales order in a POS system.

This button is only enabled if the order is ready to be packed. Click this button to open the Supply Chain Cloud Pack Station page. Tracking and cost information is sent back to the POS system once packing is completed on the Pack Station page in Ship.


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