Order + Route 2023.6.12.0

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If you have both Supply Chain Cloud and Order installed, you must use matching versions: 2023.6.12.0

Documentation Links

If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to Accenture.

New Features

Item Group Substitution

Added the Always substituteĀ strategy to the Item Group Substitution configuration.Ā 

This is useful when there is a priority within the item group that you always want to substitute for (e.g.,Ā always process the oldest wine vintage first).Ā 

You can manage any split order lines throughĀ Backorder Management.

Reservation Template

Added the ability toĀ ā€œlockā€ available inventory when doing a reservation run to prevent lower-priority items from receiving inventory mid-run.

Bug Fixes


Backorder Cancel Exception

Fixed an issue that prevented the user from clicking the order number on theĀ Backorder Cancel Exception form to open the associated sales order.


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