Order + Route 2023.9.25.0

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If you have both Supply Chain Cloud and Order installed, you must use matching versions: 2023.9.25.0

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If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to Accenture.

New Features


Dynamic Marking

Added the ability to consider budgets, safety nets, and pre-allocations when marking.

You can include each element separately or together.


Considering any allocation constraints increases runtime. The more budgets, safety nets, or pre-allocations considered, the longer the runtime.

Global Item Restriction

Added the ability to prevents clients' customers from buying specified products. 

The Customer Item Restriction Demand Validation form defines customer groups and budget item groups to create a list of allowed customers and items. 

The system will restrict any combinations not outlined in this list.

Pre-Allocation Recurrence

Added the ability to add a recurrence schedule to pre-allocations.

Select the Show past checkbox on the Pre-allocation transactions form to view past pre-allocations.

Bug Fixes

Channel Demand

Fixed an issue that caused the demand quantity to double if a packing slip was cancelled.


Made changes so that you can filter to Show expired and/or Show future active pre-allocations.


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