Bill 2023.11.1.0

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The deployable package was built against Finance and Supply Chain Management version 10.0.32, and should be compatible with version 10.0.32 and newer. 

New Features


Billing Details

Added the ability to navigate to the sales order or free-text invoice from the Billing Details form.

You can view Bill details on the sales order header:

Price Book Setup

Added the ability to configure a price book to use its own values for site and warehouse.

These values override the default system logic when creating documents. 

Transaction Setup

Added the ability to include entities when setting up query transactions.

Bug Fixes

Billing Details

Fixed an issue that deleted billing batch IDs from transactions not tied to a deleted Billing Series ID.

Price Book Setup

Fixed an issue that prevented the site and warehouse set on the price book from updating the site and warehouse set on the sales order.

ProcessorsFixed an issue that required the Price Book Processor to be run multiple times for records in snapshot mode after the end of the pricing period.


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