Rate Shop

Rate Shop

The Rate Shop pop-up allows you to rate shop the current shipment to receive freight estimates directly from the enabled carriers. You can then select a carrier service based on the returned information.

This is one of several ways to determine the carrier service for a shipment.


You can also have the host system specify the carrier service directly. The connector populates the carrier service automatically when the shipment is created.

Another option is to click Edit in the Shipment section of the Pack Station to manually set the carrier service.

Rate Shopping

Click Rate Shop in the Shipment section of the Pack Station

Click Select Services to select which carrier services are rated. Only carrier services that are enabled on the carrier configuration page are available for selection.

The number on the button indicates how many services are currently selected.


See Carrier Groups to learn how you can prepopulate the selections in this list for more efficient rate shopping.

Click Select All to automatically select all services in the list.

Turn on the Show Services Without Rate toggle to view results that did not return a rate. This can help you determine if there is an issue that needs to be addressed. 

Click Rerate to get a rate for a service in the list.

Turn on the Include Unpacked Lines toggle to allow unpacked lines to be assigned to virtual containers and included in rating results.


To use this feature, the Rate Shop Unpacked Lines option must be enabled on your Packing Profile (set on the Packing Profiles page).

If no actual containers exist, this option is enabled and unchangeable.

If all lines have been packed into actual containers, this option is disabled and unchangeable.

After adjusting the carrier services (if desired), click Rate Shop.


You must select at least one carrier service to rate.

The system rates the current shipment with each of the possible carrier services.

Results display in descending rate order (where the estimated delivery date is within the requested delivery window).

  • The Transit Days column displays the number of days this carrier service will take to transport the shipment.
  • The Tags column provides feedback about the rate: whether negotiated rates were returned, Saturday delivery was quoted, etc.

Sustainability: Reduce Carbon Footprint

Compare the transit days per service to select the lowest carbon-emitting option.

For example, while next-day air and ground might take the same amount of days, next-day air has a larger carbon footprint.

See Sustainability with Supply Chain Cloud for more information.

Click + to expand individual rows to display container-level details, along with additional rate details.

Click Select Service on the desired carrier service line to place the selected carrier service on the current shipment.

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