FedEx One Rate
FedEx One Rate
FedEx One Rate supports these services:
- First Overnight
- Priority Overnight
- Standard Overnight
- 2 Day
- 2 Day AM
- Express Saver
To use FedEx One Rate, you must enable One Rate services and One Rate container types in D365 F&SCM.
- You cannot rate shop with One Rate from the sales order.
- One Rate is for domestic shipping only.
Shipping Carriers
Transportation management > Setup > Carriers > Shipping carriers
- Make sure the desired FedEx One Rate services are enabled in Supply Chain Cloud. (See Step 4—Configure Carrier Services—of Getting Started with Ship for more information.)
- Add FedEx as a shipping carrier if not already set up. (See Shipping Carrier Setup for more information.)
- Select the desired service from the prepopulated Ship Carrier Service Code drop-down list in the Services section.
- The External code is automatically generated. This aligns your Finance and Supply Chain Management setup with the carriers and services in Supply Chain Cloud.
Container Types
Warehouse management > Setup > Containers > Container types
- Make sure the desired One Rate container types are configured in Supply Chain Cloud. (See Container Types for more information.)
- Add a container type.
- Select the desired container type from the prepopulated Ship Container Code drop-down list.
- The External code is automatically generated. This aligns your Finance and Supply Chain Management setup with the carriers and services in Supply Chain Cloud.