Transportation management > Setup > Carriers > Shipping carriers
The Shipping carriers form includes several options to set up services and rating profiles.
D365 F&SCM allows you to customize the names of your carriers and services. You must align your customized names with the carriers and services in Supply Chain Cloud.
To do this, you must first enable those services and carriers in Supply Chain Cloud.
Once enabled, those services and carriers automatically populate drop-down lists on the Shipping carriers form for you to select from.


Shipping carrier | The unique ID for the shipping carrier. |
Name | An in-depth description of the shipping carrier. |
Mode | The mode of transportation: |

Activate shipping carrier | Turn on this toggle to activate this shipping carrier. |
Ship Carrier Code | After you turn on the Buy Enabled toggle (see below), you will designate the shipping carrier to use while processing the shipment. The shipping carrier name is defined by the user, so this field tells Supply Chain Cloud the actual carrier. The drop-down list is prepopulated with enabled carriers from Supply Chain Cloud. |
Activate carrier rating | Turn on this toggle to activate rating. |
Theoretical container | Enter a value in this field to have the system take the total weight of the shipment and divide it into containers of this specified size. The system will then rate these containers to get your estimate from the Rate Route Workbench. |
Use SCC Theoretical Containers | Turn on this toggle to suppress the Theoretical container set above and instead use the one defined in Supply Chain Cloud. |
Enable Broker Pricing | Turn on this toggle to indicate that the carrier can be configured to return multiple results for a single carrier service when rate shopping. |
All other fields in these sections are optional.
Click New on the Services section toolbar to create a new line for each carrier service.

Carrier service | The unique ID for the carrier service. |
Ship Carrier Service Code | This field is used by Supply Chain Cloud to designate the specific carrier service to use while processing. This list is populated by all carrier services enabled for the selected carrier. Choose a carrier service from this drop-down list to automatically populate the External code field. |
Name | An in-depth description of the carrier service. |
Transportation method | Select the mode of transit the service utilizes from this drop-down list (e.g., Air, Ground, Rail, etc.) |
Mode of delivery | An auto-populated name based on carrier and service. |
External code | The carrier's code for the transportation service being used. This is automatically populated by Supply Chain Cloud when the Ship Carrier Service Code is selected. |
Include Invoice | Select this checkbox to generate a paperless invoice for FedEx or UPS shipments. |
Support Confirmation | Select this checkbox to re-rate the shipment upon confirmation using the rate engine as opposed to a parcel engine. |
Suppress Packing | Select this checkbox to prevent the rate engine from triggering a Ship request once packing is complete. |
You can set up an address for the shipping carrier.
Rating Profiles
Rating profiles are unique to each individual shipping carrier. They associate the shipping carrier to the rate engine.
Click New on the Rating profiles section toolbar to create at least one rating profile per shipping carrier. Multiple rating profiles can be created if they are site/warehouse specific or have certain effective periods.

Rating profile | The unique ID for the carrier's rating profile. |
Name | An in-depth description of the rating profile. |
Rate engine | Select the rate engine to be used with the parcel shipping carrier. See Rate Engine Setup for more information. |
You can enable purchasing and tendering functionality for the carrier, if desired.

Buy Enabled | Turn on the toggle to enable Supply Chain Cloud purchasing and tendering functionality for this carrier. Once this it turned on, you can designate the shipping carrier to use while processing the shipment in the Ship Carrier Code field. |
Access Group | Select the access group you would like this carrier to be grouped in. Access groups allow you to organize carriers. You can set them up as desired; place several carriers into a group or create an access group for each carrier. |
Next Steps
See Carrier Groups Setup if you want to set up a group of carrier services that can be easily selected when rate shopping.