New External Link

New External Link

Click New External Link to add a link button to your summary page that navigates to an external website.

You can control access to this button by configuring the workflow step.

Workflow Transaction Code

Select the code for the workflow step.

See Workflow Transaction Codes for more information on configuring codes.

Add New Workflow Transaction Code

Click this button to add a workflow transaction code.

DescriptionEnter a description for the workflow step.
External LinkEnter the external URL.
Include Reference NumberTurn on this toggle to include the token for the reference number.
Include Vendor Name

Turn on this toggle to include the token for the vendor name.


This field is only enabled for purchase order business transactions.

Include Carrier Code

Turn on this toggle to include the token for the carrier code.


This field is only enabled for freight invoice and transportation tender business transactions.

Reference Number Token

Enter the token name that will be included for the reference field.


This field is only enabled if the Include Reference Number toggle is turned on.

Vendor Name Token

Enter the token name that will be included for the vendor name.


This field is only enabled if the Include Vendor Name toggle is turned on.

Carrier Code Token

Enter the token name that will be included for the carrier code.


This field is only enabled if the Include Carrier Code toggle is turned on.

Button NameEnter a name for the button.
Button ColorSelect the color for the button.
Status Range LowSelect the lower limit for the workflow step.
Status Range HighSelect the upper limit for the workflow step.

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