Palletization Profiles

Palletization Profiles

The Palletization Profiles configuration page allows you to create and manage profiles for all your pallet sizes, which are leveraged in the pallet estimation process.

When your host system sends in order lines, SCC uses the specified profile to estimate the number of pallets needed for each order line and the total order based on item volume.

New or Edit Profile

Click New to create a profile. Click Edit to edit an existing profile.


Enter a name for the profile.

Palletization Type

Select the palletization type:

  • Estimated: Simple functionality to estimate pallets.
  • Recommended Palletization: Complex functionality to build out pallets based on attributes.


Recommended Palletization functionality is planned for the future.


Enter a description for the profile.

Length/Width/HeightEnter the pallet dimensions.
VolumeThis field auto-calculates based on the previous three dimensions.

Delete Profile

Select the desired record and click Delete to delete a profile.

Click OK on the confirmation pop-up window to confirm the deletion.

Import/Export Profile

Click Import and select your file(s) to import a palletization profile.

Select a record and click Export to export a profile.

Click Export All to export all displayed records.

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