Advanced Yard Management

Advanced Yard Management

The Logistics Execution module allows for the use of Dynamics 365 Warehousing functionality through Advanced Yard Management.

The features outlined here describe how Transport + Deliver and Warehousing can work together to manage logistics as well as physical inventory through the work creation process.

 Handling Units

Logistics Execution > Common > All Logistics Orders

Handling units are tied to license plates in Warehousing.

The tie between a handling unit and license plate needs to exist in order to utilize the majority of the Advanced Yard Management functionality, 

 Location Directives

Warehouse management > Setup > Location directives

Transport + Deliver location directives have a work order type of either Logistics Inbound or Logistics Outbound.

These options allow you to leverage system-driven logic to determine the appropriate D365 Warehousing locations to:

  • pick inventory from as part of the outbound process.
  • put inventory away during the inbound process.

Logistics Inbound

Receive inventory into warehouse locations via logistics orders and associated handling units.

You can also create putaway work during receiving.

Send inventory to license plate-tracked locations. (The license plate for the handling unit is used and needs to be preserved.)

Logistics Outbound

Create picking work to remove inventory.

Create logistics outbound work via the Generate Loading Work action type (see Action Types). It will need to pick from where the inventory is stored and put to a staging location.

 Mobile Device Menu Items

Warehouse management > Setup > Mobile device > Mobile device menu items

Transport + Deliver has two mobile device menu items that are configurable from the Warehouse Management module. These allow you to interact with both Warehousing and Transport + Deliver pieces from an RF gun utilizing the Dynamics 365 for Finance and Supply Chain Management Warehousing application.

  • Logistics order receiving allows you to receive a logistics order handling unit into the warehouse.
  • Ad hoc activity build creates work customized to user-specified activities.

Logistics Order Receiving

This option allows mobile device users to register inventory into D365 on-hand inventory at the default receipt location specified in Warehouse Management Parameters via handling units specified on logistics orders.

There is parity between the handling unit specified on the logistics order and the license plate in on-hand inventory.

You can create work to put away the item in a location within the same warehouse utilizing work templates and location directives. This process aligns with a "two-step putaway" process: inventory is registered and putaway work is created.

Putaway work can be processed and completed from a separate menu item.


  • Mode: Work
  • User existing work: No
  • Work creation process: Logistics order receiving

You must enter the license plate associated with the handling unit on the logistics order to kick off the receiving process.


The screenshots below demonstrate how logistics order receiving can be used to receive license plates associated with handling units on a logistics order.


Logistics Order Receiving and Putaway

You can create work at receipt to put away the inventory.

Whereas the Logistics order receiving option simply creates work, the Logistics order receiving and putaway option aligns with a "one-step putaway" process: inventory is brought into the warehouse and putaway work is completed all in one step.

This option allows you to receive a handling unit and execute putaway work in one step as opposed to two.

The putaway location is system directed.

Location directives are utilized in both processes. The primary difference is that work is generated and/or completed in either one or two steps.

A location directive with the Logistics Inbound work order type is required to utilize system-directed logic for putaway work.

Logistics order receiving will utilize the first location directive of this type found.

Similarly to Logistics order receivingLogistics order receiving and putaway requires a license plate associated with a handling unit on a logistics order.

Once the license plate is scanned, the location directive and work templates are used to dictate where and how the inventory will be put away to a Warehousing location.


Ad-Hoc Activity Build

Warehouse Management > Setup > Mobile Device > Mobile Device Menu Items

This option allows you to utilize an existing activity and to create a new activity to pair logistics orders and corresponding handling units.

Work is generated to move the inventory to a user-specified warehouse location.

This location is generally an outbound location in the warehouse where inventory systematically and physically leaves on-hand levels.


  • Mode: Indirect
  • User existing work: No
  • Activity code: Activity Build

You can either generate a new activity from the menu item or utilize an existing activity.

Next, you are required to enter the location that will populate the "Put" for the work created to move the inventory.

For D365 to know which inventory moves, you must enter the license plate (which must exist in on-hand inventory).

The license plate is tied to the handling unit on the logistics order, which consequently pairs the logistics order to the activity at the end of the ad hoc creation process.

 Work Templates

Warehouse management > Setup > Work > Work templates

Work templates for Logistics Inbound and Logistics Outbound work types dictate how work is created when utilizing inbound and outbound functionality.

Work templates are necessary to create structured work (Pick and Put actions).

Location directives and work templates function together to create Pick and Put pairs with accompanying locations.

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