Transport + Deliver allows you to create logistics orders from purchase orders.
Logistics Order
Logistics Execution > Inquiries Common > Logistics Orders > Logistics Order Receiving LogAll Logistics Orders > select a logistics order
The Logistics Purchase Order Receiving Log xxx.
Click this button to view the error message saved to the record.
field displays the related purchase order line.
This can be found in three locations:
- The Line Details section of the Line view.
- The Handling Units section of the Header view.
- The Source Documents section of the Header view. Click Navigate to Source Document to open the connected purchase order.
Operation Parameters
Logistics Execution > Setup> Operation Parameters
The Purchase Orders tab allows you to plan a purchase order to a logistics order.
See Transport + Deliver Operation Parameters
xxx for more information on these settings.
Plan Purchase Order Lines
Logistics Execution > Common > Plan Purchase Order Lines
The Plan Purchase Order Lines Lines form allows you to plan which purchase order lines are pushed to Transport + Deliver.
See Plan Purchase
Logistics Execution > Common > Plan Purchase Order Lines
Order Lines for more information.
Purchase Order
Accounts payable > Purchase orders > All purchase orders > select a purchase order
There are several Logistics Execution settings on the Purchase Order form.
Purchase Order Header Section
A drop-down field in the Purchase order header section:
- The Planned to logistics order drop-down list to the Purchase order header section. The options are options are No, Partially Planned, and and Yes.
Purchase Order Lines Section
Several columns in the Purchase order lines section:
- In Transit, In Transit Qty, Shipment, Activity Reference.
- Added the Plan Purchase Order and Plan Purchase Order Lines options to the Plan section of the Logistics Execution tab on the ribbon: Displays "True" or "False" to indicate if a handling unit exists for the purchase order line.
- In Transit Qty: Displays the quantity for the line tied to handling units.
- Shipment: Displays the logistics order ID related to the purchase order line through the handling unit, or "Multiple," if applicable.
- Activity Reference: Displays the non-phantom activity paired to the related handling unit, or "Multiple," if applicable.
Logistics Execution Tab
Two options in the Plan section:
- Click Plan Purchase Order to create a logistics order for the entire purchase order, including handling units for each line.
- Click Partial Plan to opens the Plan Purchase Order Lines form.