Transport + Deliver Operation Parameters
Logistics Execution > Setup > Operation Parameters
The Transport + Deliver Operation Parameters form controls several operation-specific settings to further customize and control how an individual operation functions.
General FastTab
The General FastTab includes the basic setup for activities, assets, logistics orders, yard management, activity scheduling, pairing, and tags.
Schedule FastTab
The Schedule FastTab offers several defaults and controls regarding scheduling.
External Device FastTab
These settings are used to adapt GPS settings on the worker's device.
Alerts FastTab
Use alerts to inform users when specified events occur.
You can add event types can to the Business Alerts Sub Type and position them to help track behind-the-scenes procedures.
Return Orders FastTab
The Return Orders FastTab allows you to plan a return order to a logistics order.
Purchase Orders FastTab
The Purchase Orders FastTab allows you to plan a purchase order to a logistics order.
An address must be effective on the warehouse and the warehouse must be tied to a logistics facility in order to use this functionality.
Pre-Planned Sales Orders FastTab
The Pre-Planned Sales Orders FastTab allows you to pre-plan a sales order.
See Pre-Plan Sales Order for more information.
Number Sequences FastTab
The Number Sequences FastTab allows you to define which number sequence codes to use for different data types in Transport + Deliver.
This setup helps create unique identifiers for various fields in Transport + Deliver, such as Logistics Order ID and Activity ID.
Price Management FastTab
The Print Management FastTab displays print maintenance for the operation.