Transport + Deliver Operation Parameters

Transport + Deliver Operation Parameters

Logistics Execution > Setup > Operation Parameters

The Transport + Deliver Operation Parameters form controls several operation-specific settings to further customize and control how an individual operation functions.

General FastTab

The General FastTab includes the basic setup for activities, assets, logistics orders, yard management, activity scheduling, pairing, and tags.


Default Activity TemplateSelect the activity template to be automatically selected when new activity is created.
Default Phantom Activity TemplateSelect the phantom activity template to be automatically selected when a new phantom activity is created.
Allow Sequence Merging

Turn on this toggle to enable sequence merging for all activity lines in the operation.


Make sure this toggle is enabled for all existing operations in which you want to continue merging activity lines.

Allow Manual Activity Line Entry

Turn on this toggle to create activity lines when logistics orders are paired.

This option enables you to enter activity lines manually as well.

Worker Pay EnabledTurn on this toggle to use worker pay for the operation.
State Distanced DisabledTurn on this toggle to disable the State Distances feature.
Hours of Service DisabledTurn on this toggle to disable the Hours of Service feature.
Activity Group Mode

Select the activity grouping mode:

  • Off
  • Manual
  • Origin
Maximum Visible Resources

Enter a number to limit the number of visible resources.

This is only enabled when cross operation has been selected.

Visible Resource Distance

Enter a value to limit the distance of visible resources.

This is only enabled when cross operation has been selected.

Activity Capacity VisualizationSelect Volume or Weight to determine how the capacity for an activity will be visualized.

Default Home FacilitySelect the facility to be automatically selected for assets.
Country/regionSelect the default location to associate with assets.
Nearby Asset DistanceEnter the default distance radius for assets to be listed as "Nearby" when using the Nearby Assets form.
 Logistics Orders

Default Logistics Types
Default Logistics Order Logistics Type

The logistics type that is automatically selected when a logistics order is created.


The drop-down options are populated by the logistics order types set up under the operation.

Default Logistics Line Logistics Type

The logistics type that is automatically selected when a logistics line is created.


The drop-down options are populated by the logistics order types set up under the operation.

Default Handling Unit Object Type

The object type that is automatically selected when a handling unit is created.


The drop-down options are populated by the logistics order types set up under the operation.

Auto-Populate Addresses On Shipment Logistics LinesTurn on this toggle to auto-populate logistics line addresses when a logistics order is created with the Shipment order type.
Open Logistics Order On CreateTurn on this toggle to automatically open the Logistics Order Detail form after a logistics order is created.
Create Logistics Order Lines On CreateTurn on this toggle to automatically adds logistics order lines when a logistics order is created.
Create Activity On Logistics Order CreateTurn on this toggle to automatically create corresponding activity for the logistics order.
Allow handling unit order transfers?

Turn on this toggle to allow handling units to be transferred between logistics orders.

Auto Update Status

Turn on this toggle to auto-update the logistics order line status to Shipped or Received when all associated handling unit statuses are Shipped or Received.

This updates the logistics order status the same way based on associated logistics order lines.

Split Shipment Statuses
Logistics Order Split Shipment Status

Select the status to use when a logistics order is created from a split shipment.

See Activity to Load for more information on split shipments.

Logistics Line Split Shipment Status

Select the status to use when a logistics line is created from a split shipment.

See Activity to Load for more information on split shipments.

 Yard Management

Advanced Yard ManagementTurn on this toggle to enable specific features to manage the yard.
Capture adjustment action historyTurn on this toggle to enable the Adjustment Action configuration.
Adjustment Action

Select an action to use when adjusting inventory into the warehouse while using Advanced Yard Management.


This field is only enabled if the Capture adjustment action history toggle is turned on.

Capture movement action historyTurn on this toggle to enable the Movement Action configuration.
Movement Action

Select an action to use when moving inventory within the warehouse while using Advanced Yard Management.


This field is only enabled if the Capture movement action history toggle is turned on.

Handling Unit Reduced to Zero StatusSelect a status that the handling unit should be set to if the quantity is reduced to zero during a cycle count.
 Activity Scheduling

Start Time WindowThe starting time of the scheduling grid on the Activity Scheduling form.
End Time WindowThe ending time of the scheduling grid on the Activity Scheduling form.
Enable Refresh?Turn on this toggle to enable refreshing of the Activity Scheduling form.
Refresh Rate(s)

The time in seconds between refreshes of the Activity Scheduling form.

This parameter is only enabled if the Enable Refresh? toggle is turn on.


Pair AllTurn on this toggle to enables the Pair All functionality for logistics orders.
Pair SingleTurn on this toggle to enable both the Pair Origin and Pair Destination options for logistics orders.
Add to ActivityTurn on this toggle to enable the Add to Activity functionality for logistics orders.
Cross Operation Profile

Select a profile for cross-operation workers. This is used to determine cross-paired worker action permissions.

Cross Operation Distance Limit

Enter a distance to limit the resources displayed for a cross-operational pair to those that fit within the set value.

If this parameter is set to 0, all operations will be considered for cross-operational pairing regardless of distance.


The calculation is based off the distance between the last known current address of the activity being paired to and the current location of any resource that could be paired to it.

The distance calculation is then compared to the limit set here. If it exceeds the limit, that resource is not displayed.


In order for this operation parameter to work as expected:
  • a map key must be set up
  • postal addresses must have latitude and longitude coordinates

Tag Applied Logistics Order StatusThe status the logistics order should be changed to when the tag is applied.
Tag Applied Handling Unit StatusThe status the handling unit should be changed to when the tag is applied.
Tag Applied Inventory StatusThe status the handling unit inventory should be changed to when the tag is applied.

Operation Filter Type

Determines how data should be filtered by the operation:

  • Intersecting
  • Descendant

Schedule FastTab

The Schedule FastTab offers several defaults and controls regarding scheduling.


Default WorkerThe default worker for a scheduled activity.
Default Activity Complete StatusThe status the activity is set to upon completion if not specified.
Default Complete Status Logistics LineThe status the logistics order line is set to upon completion if not specified.
Default Complete Status Logistics OrderThe status the logistics order is set to upon completion if not specified.
Default Complete Status Handling UnitThe status the handling unit is set to upon completion if not specified.
Default Complete in Process PredecessorsTurn on this toggle to complete in process activities or logistics orders created by the schedule that were in process.
Default Purge Unused PredecessorsTurn on this toggle to delete any activities or logistics orders that were not used by the schedule.
Default Auto StartTurn on this toggle to auto-start the activity as soon as it is generated.
Scheduling Conflict WindowEnter the window of time, in days, to predict scheduling conflicts among activities.

External Device FastTab

These settings are used to adapt GPS settings on the worker's device.

 External Device

Auto-Insert GPS RecordTurn on this toggle to automatically insert GPS records when actions are executed and an external GPS message is not found.
Log On & Off Create ActionsTurn on this toggle to enable driver log on and log off events to trigger start and end actions.
Create Activity Lines from ActionsTurn on this toggle to create an activity line if an arrive action does not match an address already in the activity.
Maximum DistanceThe maximum distance allowed when finding locations from coordinates.

Alerts FastTab

Use alerts to inform users when specified events occur.

You can add event types can to the Business Alerts Sub Type and position them to help track behind-the-scenes procedures.


Business Alert Sub TypeSelect alerts to be shown based on user behavior types.

Return Orders FastTab

The Return Orders FastTab allows you to plan a return order to a logistics order.

 Return Orders

Logistics order from RMA EnabledTurn on this toggle to enable the ability to plan a return order to a logistics order.
Default RMA logistics order logistics typeThe default logistics order logistics type for return orders.
Default RMA logistics line logistics typeThe default logistics line logistics type for return orders.
Default RMA handling unit object typeThe default handling unit logistics type for return orders.
Default RMA logistics order statusThe default status for logistics orders created from return orders.
Default RMA logistics line statusThe default status for logistics lines created from return orders.

Purchase Orders FastTab

The Purchase Orders FastTab allows you to plan a purchase order to a logistics order.


An address must be effective on the warehouse and the warehouse must be tied to a logistics facility in order to use this functionality.

 Purchase Orders

LO from purchase order enabled

Turn on this toggle to enable the ability to plan a purchase order to a logistics order.

Default PO logistics order logistics typeThe default logistics order logistics type for purchase orders.
Default PO logistics line logistics typeThe default logistics line logistics type for purchase orders.
Default PO handling unit logistics typeThe default handling unit logistics type for purchase orders.
Default PO logistics order statusThe default status for logistics orders created from purchase orders.
Default PO logistics line statusThe default status for logistics lines created from purchase orders.

Pre-Planned Sales Orders FastTab

The Pre-Planned Sales Orders FastTab allows you to pre-plan a sales order.

See Pre-Plan Sales Order for more information.

 Pre-Planned Sales Orders

Sales Order Pre-Planning EnabledTurn on this toggle to enable the ability to pre-plan sales orders.

Default Pre-Plan SO Logistics Order Logistics Type

The default logistics order logistics type for pre-planned sales orders.

Default Pre-Plan SO Logistics Order Status

The default logistics order status for pre-planned sales orders.

Default Pre-Plan SO Logistics Line Logistics Type

The default logistics line logistics type for pre-planned sales orders.

Default Pre-Plan SO Logistics Line Status

The default status for logistics lines created from pre-planned sales orders.

Default Pre-Plan SO Handling Unit Logistics Type

The default handling unit logistics type for pre-planned sales orders.

Default Pre-Plan SO Handling Unit Status

The default status for handling units created from pre-planned sales orders.

Number Sequences FastTab

The Number Sequences FastTab allows you to define which number sequence codes to use for different data types in Transport + Deliver.

This setup helps create unique identifiers for various fields in Transport + Deliver, such as Logistics Order ID and Activity ID.

 Number Sequences

Price Management FastTab

The Print Management FastTab displays print maintenance for the operation.

 Price Management

Select the link to brings up a hierarchical view of documentation organization.

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