Logistics Order Receiving Logs

Transport + Deliver provides several features to help with logistics order receiving, 

Logistics Order Receiving Log

Logistics Execution > Inquiries > Logistics Order Receiving Log

The Logistics Order Receiving Log captures receiving requests.

(See Cleanup and Maintenance for information on how to batch purge data from this table.)

ProcessClick this button to run the processing logic for the selected record(s). 
View Log

Click this button to view the error message saved to the record.

This button is only enabled if the record includes an error message, which is indicated with red text. 

Records are added to this table through the Logistics Order Receiving Async and Logistics Order Receiving and Locate Async work creation processes that are available for mobile device menu items.

Process Logistics Order Receiving Async Log

Logistics Execution > Periodic > Process Logistics Order Receiving Async Log

Use the Process Logistics Order Receiving Async Log batch process to evaluate records added to the Logistics Order Receiving Log.

This job processes unprocessed records based on the order of creation.


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