Dock Management

Dock Management

The Dock Management process allows you to receive and direct Transport + Deliver inventory through the facility. 

Inventory can be directed to positions within the facility via a position assignment hierarchy.

The Dock Management framework allows you to transfer inventory to various positions in a systematic manner.

Use the Inventory form to view inventory by position. This inventory is only tracked within Transport + Deliver—this is separate from the Warehouse and Transportation Management Integration functionality.


Positions are facility spaces designed to hold inventory.

Positions can be configured similarly to other logistics types on the Logistics Types form.

You can attach attributes, constraints, or collection data types to individual position logistics types.

Logistics Execution > Setup > Network > Positions

Create positions on an individual basis or click Generate Positions.

The Generate Positions flyout window prompts for parameters and number sequence information to generate position IDs for the number of positions required by the facility.

Each position is assigned to a single facility. This happens during position creation, whether you create positions individually or generate them.

View positions on the Positions FastTab on the Facilities form.

Once a position is created, you can determine the default status ID.

As with other logistics types, position statuses can be set under Status GroupsSimilarly, Actions must be set up to move the position from one status to another.

Once you receive inventory, you can:

Logistics Execution > Setup > Position Assignment > Position Assignment

Transport + Deliver follows your configured rules (position assignments) when attempting to assign inventory.

Create position assignment records on the Position Assignment form or directly from the referenced forms.

(See Cleanup and Maintenance for information on how to batch purge data from this table.)


Facility SYD-STD has the above position assignment hierarchy rules. 

Upon receipt, Transport + Deliver first looks at whether the handling unit or logistics order is assigned to an activity. If there isn't a position assignment for Current Activity, it looks for an assignment for Next Activity, and so on. 

If no position assignment is found through the whole list, the inventory is moved to the default position for the SYD-STD facility.

You can create records from activities, status groups, tags, logistics orders, or service areas.

Logistics Execution > Setup > Position Assignment > Position Assignment Hierarchy

Position assignment hierarchies tell the system the order in which to run the Position Assignments, or rules, when attempting to assign inventory.

Create a hierarchy by selecting the desired position assignments and placing them in your preferred order.

Position assignment hierarchies are then linked to logistics orders at the activity template level.

The logistics orders and handling units follow the hierarchy assigned to their activity template.

 Dock Work

Logistics Execution > Common > Dock Work

The Dock Work feature allows you to move handling units through the facility. Pair (move) handling units to specific positions, assets within the operation, or combine with other handling units.

Click Suggest Position to invoke position assignment logic. Transport + Deliver will suggest a position for the handling unit based on position assignment hierarchy and the facility's position assignment rules.


Logistics Execution > Common > Inventory

The Inventory form provides information on the handling units within a specified facility.

Each field is filterable.


Handling units can be automatically received into positions when executing an Unload action at a facility with Position logic.

Rather than unloading at a user-directed position, Transport + Deliver utilizes Position Assignment to determine where inventory is received.


When a handling unit is unloaded:

  1. The system checks the Position Assignment Hierarchy for the Activity Master and determines which field to look at for assignment.
  2. The system automatically places that field into the appropriate position based on the Position Assignment.


  • You can manually override the put location if desired.
  • If auto-transfers are enabled, Position Assignment happens automatically (without scanning any units) when the asset arrives at the stop.

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