Legacy - Configure Settings

Legacy - Configure Settings

After authentication, you need to link the Deliver app to the correct D365 client URL.

Tap Connections from the menu to open the Connection Settings page.

Connection NameEnter a name for the connection.
Connection URL

The web address of the D365 environment the Deliver app is connected to.

This should only include the URL up to dynamics.com.

Azure AD Client ID

The application ID for the application.

Azure AD Authority

The Azure AD authority/tenant used with the Supply Chain Management server.

Azure AD Return URL

The URL that points information back to this instance of D365.
Connection Data TimeoutEnter the length of time in seconds that the app waits before timing out when it attempts to pull or push data to the host system.
Connection Ping Timeout

Enter the length of time in seconds that the app waits before timing out when it attempts to verify whether it is still connected to the host system.

Connection Theme ColorTap to select a color theme for the connection.
Dark ModeTurn on this toggle to enable dark mode.
Enable Error ReportingTurn on this toggle to enable error reporting.

Import Connection Settings 

Instead of manually typing information into the fields, tap Import Connection Settings on the hamburger menu to add the information as a text string or scan a QR code.

The QR code has the D365 client URL information embedded and will auto-populate the necessary fields.

An example QR code:

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