Value Added Billing > Setup > Price Book > Price Book Setup > Pricing Details Button
Pricing details define how transactions are processed and assigned a price.
Bill offers a wide array of pricing options. These details represent the individual line items on the final invoice.
Options include fixed fees, assigning a price per transaction, aggregating a transaction and assigning a price to the result, using trade agreements, or using the price matrix—a tool that allows a deeper comparison of individual transaction results—and assigning a value per transaction.

Price Detail ID | Unique name for the price detail on this price book. |
Description | Detailed description of the price detail. |
Sequence | Order in which the detail will appear on the related invoice. |
Fixed Quantity | Indicates whether the price detail is in fixed quantity mode. If so, the Quantity Data section displays the Quantity field and the Pricing Header section is disabled. The value on the invoice is the result of the quantity multiplied by the price. |
Use Trade Agreement | Indicates whether the detail uses trade agreements instead of defined pricing. |
Deactivated | Indicates whether the price detail is active. By default, the Pricing Detail Setup form filters out deactivated records. Select Show Deactivated (located on top of the filter list) to display deactivated records. |
Quantity Data Section

Transaction Name | The name of the transaction setup that this price detail will evaluate. |
Summarize | Indicates how transaction records are evaluated during the pricing calculation: - Count Transactions: Each valid transaction is counted by the query.
- Count Distinct Values: The distinct values are counted by the query.
- Sum Values: Sums the destination field values.
- Min: Finds the minimum of the destination field values.
- Max: Finds the maximum of the destination field values.
- Average: Finds the average of the destination field values.
- Pricing Matrix: See Pricing Matrix.
- Pass Through Pricing: Allows you to map transactions directly to billing details. All needed values are known but you must map which transaction fields contain the necessary billing detail fields.

Destination Field | Designates which field is used when the Summarize field requires a value. |
Price Unit | Identifies the field with the unit of measure associated with the destination field. |
Advanced Query
Dynamics 365 for Finance and Supply Chain Management contains a powerful query tool.
The Bill pricing details utilize this query over the Transaction Detail form to apply the price based on the query range conditions.
Click Advanced Setup to open the Advanced Setup Query flyout window.
The Transaction Setup form must populate the necessary data to support the desired use of this query.
This also enables one transaction detail for multiple pricing details.
Invoice Section
Service Item ID | Designates the service item used when creating invoice lines. |
Pricing Header Section
The pricing header is designed to help implement clauses in contracts.
Define a minimum or a maximum charge per detail, per period, for a contract in this section.

Select an option from the Pricing Type drop-down list to determine how the prices are applied to the query result:
- Price Per Quantity
- Fixed Fee
The Fixed Fee option ignores the min/max charges and instead uses the information in the Pricing section.
Pricing Offset Section
The Pricing Offset section allows a contract to include an offset.

Select an option from the Pricing Offset Transaction drop-down list:
Select Aggregate to reduce the value of the aggregate by the offset, to the point where the aggregate value is not reduced to a negative number.
Select Transaction to enable the Pricing Offset Type drop-down list with two options:
- First: The first X transactions are not charged (given that X represents the pricing offset).
- Every: Each transaction is reduced by the pricing offset.
Pricing Section
The Pricing section assigns a price for a given date range and a given value range.

The Price Unit field uses standard unit conversions to calculate the price.
The Pricing Type drop-down in the Pricing Header section determines if this is a fixed price for the pricing detail or whether the price is applied per quantity/value.
Pricing Detail Copy
You can copy pricing details to another or within the same price book.
Click Copy Price Detail to open a flyout window with fields for the destination price book.
The sequence automatically adjusts to the first available sequence.
If the Price Detail ID already exists for that price book, you are prompted to enter a new ID.