Price Book Setup

Value Added Billing > Setup > Price Book > Price Book Setup




Price Book Name

Unique identifier for a price book.


Detailed description of the price book.

Allow Price Book Snapshot

By default, a price book is evaluated once: the first time the price book is included in the Price Book Processor after the previous period has ended.

Turn on this toggle to have the price book processor evaluate all price book details and generate a period-to-date view of the price book.

Price Book Detail Group

Assigned price book group for quick filtering.


Price book associations detail which accounts are associated to which price book, how often the price book should be evaluated, and which output (sales order, free text invoice, or purchase order) the price book will create.


This column displays the entity. 

Value Added Billing > Setup > Entity

Entities link transactions back the customer/vendor that will be charged/paid for the transaction. You can think of an entity as the customer you will bill.

Each account should be assigned an entity, which is used throughout the system to identify its association to transactions.


Company A uses third-party logistics providers US-001, US-002, and US-003. 

There is a transaction for US-001.

Using the Entity field to tie associated accounts to Company A allows you to determine that you will bill Company A for the US-001 transaction.

Company AUS-001

On the Price Book Setup form, transactions with the "Company A" entity can be associated with customer account "Company A1."

 Price Book Period

This column displays the price book period.

Value Added Billing > Setup > Price Book > Price Book Period

Periods can be set up one of three ways: 


Select Manual to enable the Valid Date section with a list of "from" and "to" dates.

These dates cannot overlap. If an overlapping date is chosen, the system automatically adjusts the necessary "from" date to resolve the overlap.


Select Monthly to default the period dates to the beginning of every month.


Select Recurrence to allow users to set the frequency of the recurrence.

 Break By

This column displays the selected Break By field.

If a Break By field is specified, billing details are summarized/broken by a specified field.


If billing details should be summarized by and broken by warehouse, and warehouse was stored in String Field 8, the Break By field would be set to "String Field 8."

Selecting a Break By field enables the Break By Assignment button above the table.

Click this button to open the Break By Value form. Use this form to assign financial dimensions to individual Break By values.

Those financial dimensions are used when creating sales order and purchase order output types.


This column displays whether the price book is currently active.

 Output Type

This column displays the Output Type.


If you are using Bill in WMS only mode, this is auto-populated with Export.

 Output Entity

This column changes to Customer account or Vendor account once you select an output type.

It displays the account associated with the selected output type.


If you are using Bill in WMS only mode, the Customer account is disabled.


This column displays the beginning effective date.


This column displays the ending effective date.

 Reference Fields

Two optional fields can be used for output type identification:

  • Reference Field: The field within the output type that the system inserts the reference value in.
  • Reference Value: The value that the system will write within the reference field.


If the output type is "SalesOrder" and there is a business requirement to identify which sales orders were created by Bill, specify "SalesPoolId" within the reference field and "VAB" within the reference value to filter by this value.

 Split Billing Header

This column displays a checkbox that controls whether a separate billing header should be created when the "break by" changes.

 Site & Warehouse

These columns displays the associated site and warehouse.

These values override the default system logic when creating documents. 

Price Book Copy

You can copy the information within a price book to a new instance of the price book.

This allows similar price books to be used with minor adjustments.

Click Copy to open a flyout window with fields for the new price book name and description.

Pricing Details

Click this button to open the Pricing Details.

Execute Price Book

Click this button to open the Price Book Processor.


Click this button to open the Billing Details form.

Price Book Maintenance

Click Price Book Maintenance to open a form that allows you to quickly add prices to an entire price book.

Price book details associated to a pricing matrix do not display on this form.

Select the period start for the new charges to take place and candidate lines for adjusting.

Configure the Adjust checkbox to select lines individually or click Check All in the Price Book section.

You can manually change the price or increase the price by a set value or percentage.

When finished, click Update Price Book to create a new record in each price book line not equal to zero starting with the selected period start.


 This also adjusts the previous current price's expiration date to the day before the selected period start.


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