Transport + Deliver Version 60 - 2024.8.12.0


The deployable package was built against Finance and Supply Chain Management version 10.0.37, and should be compatible with version 10.0.37 and newer. 


  • The Version 60 release moved to a zero-license model. 
  • This does not change the installation/upgrade process; however, you should remove the license files from your source control to ensure they are not included in any deployable packages generated by your pipelines.
  • Failure to remove the applicable license files results in an error, a failed deployment, and an automatic rollback.

Transport + Deliver

New Features

Transport + Deliver Parameters

Added Advanced Features to the available Transport + Deliver parameters.

You can now enable Contract, Position, and Worker Pay functionality. These features are not turned on by default.

Bug Fixes

AssetsFixed an issue that prevented logistics types from populating the asset entity export.
ProfilesFixed an issue that prevented the Enable All function from working correctly.
Transfer OrdersFixed an issue that prevented multiple orders from displaying when the Logistics Order Details button was clicked.

Deliver Mobile App

New Features

Deliver Mobile App

Added the ability for drivers to take notes on specific stops or activities without being required to capture images and/or signatures.

See Notes Mapping for more information on how notes are mapped across the systems.

Bug Fixes


No major bugs fixed this release.


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