Transport + Deliver Parameters

Transport + Deliver Parameters

Logistics Execution > Setup > Parameters

The Transport + Deliver Parameters form offers several configurations that set up basic functionality behind several forms.

This form applies toward all operations.



The General section covers base-level configurations for the Logistics Execution module.

Log On & Off Affects Hours of ServiceTurn on this toggle to have external device messages affect service hours.
Maximum Tolerance

This is the final tolerance used during string comparison if no match is found with a starting tolerance.

During IPQ processing, the Maximum Tolerance uses the address name to determine which activity line to process against.

Validate on Activity PairTurn on this toggle to allow an activity to be validated without clicking Validate. Once demand and resources are fulfilled, validation occurs automatically.
Calculate Activity CapacityTurn on this toggle to enable functionality responsible for calculating activity capacity.
Hide active resourcesTurn on this toggle to hide active driver and power units on the activities list page. 
 Address Book

Transport + Deliver-related addresses (e.g., facility/operation addresses) are automatically associated with an address book when created.

Regenerate Address BookClick this button to regenerate the address book, if necessary.
Address BookSelect the address book to be leveraged when Transport + Deliver addresses are created.
 Inbound Process Queue

The Inbound Process Queue accepts data from external devices to perform actions against Transport + Deliver activities.

The Parameters form includes configurations that further customize the functionality.

Note Document TypeSelect the document type for Transport + Deliver notes.
Create Missing Address InformationTurn on this toggle to add external address information into the Transport + Deliver address framework.
Minutes to Delay Inbound Process QueueEnter the number of minutes to delay Inbound Process Queue processing.
Tasks for Execute External Device Batch Process

Enter the number of tasks to process when running the Execute External Device job.

The recommended value is 20.

 Activity Scheduling

This section allows you to personalize how activities are displayed on the Activity Scheduling form.

Set status colors to easily differentiate activity stages on the scheduling form.


The Notes section allows you to configure which attachments and documents are pushed to Transport + Deliver and the Deliver Mobile App.

Turn on the toggle for a field to have the notes entered at that level translate to Transport + Deliver and the Deliver Mobile App.


  • These notes are pushed to the logistics line upon logistics line creation.
  • All notes–external or internal–are pushed to the logistics line; however, only external notes are displayed in the Deliver Mobile App.
  • See Notes Mapping for more information on how notes are mapped across the systems.

Copy from Sales Order

Turn on this toggle to get notes from the sales order header and the associated lines.

Copy from Customer

Turn on this toggle to get notes from the customer on the logistics line.

These notes are pulled from the customer record.

Copy from Shipment

Turn on this toggle to get notes from the shipment for the logistics line.

These notes are pulled from the shipment record.


Any sales order notes are automatically pushed to the shipment.

Copy from Load

Turn on this toggle to get notes from the load associated with the shipment associated with the logistics line. 

These notes are pulled from the load record.

Copy from Address

Turn on this toggle to get notes from the end address on the logistics line.


Any notes associated with an end address are pulled up to the logistics line regardless of where they are created.

Copy from Logistics Order

Turn on this toggle to get notes entered when the logistics order is created.


Logistics header notes copy to logistics lines when created; however, only logistics lines notes copy to the activity line and subsequently appear in the Deliver Mobile App.

Notes Flow

 Mobile App

The configurations in the Mobile App section change the way information is saved and portrayed on the Deliver Mobile App.

Images can be changed to different file types. 

Image Document Type

Select the document type for Transport + Deliver images.

This should be set to the image type.

Signature Document Type

Select the document type for Transport + Deliver signatures.

This should be set to the signature type.

Only Show Parents?

Turn on this toggle to default the Load and Unload pages to display only handling units that are not children of other handling units.

Mobile Parameter Refresh?

Turn on this toggle to have the Deliver Mobile App pull configured parameters from D365 F&SCM when an activity is selected.

This allows you to customize the parameters for each activity as they will be pulled from D365 F&SCM each time an activity is selected in the app.


This feature adds minor performance delays due to more frequent calls from the Deliver app to D365 F&SCM to refresh parameters.

GPS always on?

Turn on this toggle to always have GPS on while using the Deliver Mobile App.

This is useful when you are using the app with Geotab or another device. You can turn off the toggle to stop the return of GPS data from the app. 

Meters between GPS

Enter the number of meters between GPS pings from the mobile app.


iOS uses distance to determine how often to send GPS pings to D365.

Seconds Between GPS

Enter the number of seconds between GPS pings from the mobile app.


Android uses time to determine how often to send GPS pings to D365.

Enable Arrival Status

Turn on this toggle to enable the Deliver Mobile App to periodically use the configured map routing service to calculate drive duration and update the arrival status to indicate if the driver is ahead, on time, or behind schedule.


This functionality incurs costs from the map routing service.

Arrival Status Frequency (min)

Enter the interval in minutes of how frequently the Deliver Mobile App should perform drive duration calculations.

Arrival Status Threshold (min)Enter the threshold in minutes that determines when a driver using the Deliver Mobile App is considered ahead or behind schedule.
Bing Key (Legacy)

Enter the key needed to utilize the Bing Maps functionality in the Legacy Deliver Mobile App.

To create a mobile key, visit the Bing Maps Dev Center and select Windows Application.


We recommend creating a unique key for Production and Development.

See Getting a Bing Maps Key for more information.

Google Directions Key (Legacy)

Enter the key needed to utilize the Google Maps functionality in the Legacy Deliver Mobile App.

To create a mobile key, see Using API Keys.

 Activity Estimation

The Activity Estimation section allows you to configure which attachments and documents are pushed to Transport + Deliver.

Run for Address Changes

Turn on the toggle to run activity estimation whenever an activity address is changed.

Run for ReschedulingTurn on the toggle to run activity estimation whenever the activity times are rescheduled.
Run for Demand Pair/UnpairTurn on the toggle to run activity estimation whenever demand is paired or unpaired to an activity.
 Preview Pair

The Preview Pair section allows you to disable or enable preview pair functionality. 

Enable Preview Pair?

Turn this toggle on to enable the Preview Pair button on the Activity Demand WorkbenchLoad Building Workbench, and Activity Scheduling form.

This allows you to view an unpaired logistics order's affect on multiple paired activities.

Activities to Compare

Enter the maximum number of comparable activities.

This value determines how many rows, maximum, can display in the Preview Pair comparison table.

When set to 0, all applicable activities will display (within the configured Lead Days time frame).



The Configuration section provides configurations for activity visualization. 

When set up correctly, you can view activities, facilities, and other assets associated with a specific operation.

Map Type

Select the map type.

Transport + Deliver is compatible with Azure Maps, Bing Maps, and Google Maps.


Bing Maps will be retired on June 30, 2028.

  • Microsoft is no longer accepting new Bing Maps for Enterprise customers as of June 30, 2024.
  • Customers with an enterprise license have until June 30, 2028, to transition to Azure Maps.
Route Map Key

Enter the API key to use for your selected map type.

To create an Azure route map key, see Get Started.

To create a Bing route map key, visit the Bing Maps Dev Center and select:

  • Website if Production
  • Dev/Test if Development

To create a Google route map key, see Using API Keys.

Geocode URLEnter the URL used to find the latitude and longitude for an address (from the desired web service).
Reverse Geocode URLEnter the URL used to find an address from a web service (based on the latitude and longitude).
Address Type for Geolocation

Select All to have all addresses calculate latitude and longitude.

Select Operation to have only addresses related to an operation calculate latitude and longitude.


Select All if you want to generate latitude and longitude for addresses outside the operational framework.


This section allows you to personalize how maps are displayed.

Set status colors to easily differentiate locations on the map.

Activity Optimization


The configurations in the Activity Optimization section change the way activity optimization is performed in Transport + Deliver.


See Scientific Logistics for more information on Sci-Log.

Activity Optimization Service

Select whether Transport + Deliver (Base) or Sci-Log is used for optimization.


  • If set to Base, the Customer Return Service URL field is the only one that needs to be configured.
  • If set to Scientific Logistics, the rest of the fields need to be configured.
Activity Optimization Service URLThis URL is provided by Sci-Log and is used to send optimization requests.
Activity Optimization Key

This is the authorization key provided by Sci-Log to authenticate optimization requests.


Sci-Log refers to this as "credential."

Optimized Activity Build Service URL

The first of three return URLs you provide for Sci-Log to connect to when sending data back to Transport + Deliver.

Replace "xxx" with the D365 F&O URL: "https://xxxx/api/services/LEXSciLogExternalDataServices/LEXSciLogExternalDataService/buildActivities"


Sci-Log refers to this as "orders."

Optimized Activity Update Service URL

The second of three return URLs you provide for Sci-Log to connect to when sending data back to Transport + Deliver.

Replace "xxx" with the D365 F&O URL: "https://xxxx/api/services/LEXSciLogExternalDataServices/LEXSciLogExternalDataService/updateActivities"

Customer Return Service URL

The third of three return URLs you provide for Sci-Log to connect to when sending data back to Transport + Deliver.

Replace "xxx" with the D365 F&O URL: "https://xxxx/api/services/LEXSciLogExternalDataServices/LEXSciLogExternalDataService/processOptimizationWebRequests"

Note TypeSelect the logistics order note type to send to Sci-Log.

Advanced Features


Enable Contract Framework

Turn on this toggle to enable all Contract features.

See Contracts for more information.


Enable Position Framework

Turn on this toggle to enable all Position Framework features.

See Dock Management for more information.

 Worker Pay

Enable Worker Pay Framework

Turn on this toggle to enable all Worker Pay features.

See Worker Pay for more information.

Use Base PayrollTurn on this toggle to have the worker payment utilize the base payroll functionality in Dynamics 365.
Auto Push Worker Pay RequestsTurn on this toggle to automatically push worker pay requests to the worker pay page without requiring request approval.
 Viewable Operations

The Viewable Operations section allows you to disable or enable view operations functionality. 

Enable Viewable Operations?

Turn this toggle on to enable viewable operations functionality (i.e., configuring which operations a worker can view while working on their current operation).

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