Transport + Deliver

Released November 2020.

New Features


Added the ability to view history and status changes for failed actions.

  • Added the Activity History Mark Successful job (Logistics Execution > Periodic > Activity History Mark Successful). 


    It is highly recommended that existing systems run the Activity History Mark Successful job to update existing data. If the job is not run, issues may occur.  

  • Added the Action Succeeded toggle to the Activity History form to display if the action succeeded. Added the View Error Log button to the ribbon. It is only enabled for failed actions. Click this button to view captured failure messages.

  • Added the Action Succeeded field to the Activity History List View form to display if the action succeeded. Added the View Error Log button to the ribbon. It is only enabled for failed actions. Click this button to view captured failure messages.

  • Renamed the Status Results section on the Actions form to Successful Status Results. Added the Failure Status Results section to the Actions form.

Deliver AppUpdated cache syncing in the Deliver app.
Load Building Workbench

Moved demand into a section above the Activity Lines section. 

Removed the Show Logistics Orders and Show Logistics Lines options from the Activity tab on the ribbon and added them as buttons in the Demand section.

Moved the Service Area Filter to the Demand section.

Pairing Options

Changed the Pairing Options drop-down button on the Activity Scheduling form and the Handling Unit Pair flyout window so that if there is only one option available, the button becomes that option.

Changed the options into buttons for partial pairing situations.

Warehouse Management

Enabled anchoring support for the logistics order receiving process:

  • Added the Anchor by Activity toggle to the Mobile device menu items form in the Warehouse management module.
  • This toggle is visible when Mode is set to Work and Work creation process is set to Logistics order receiving or Logistics order receiving and put away.
  • Turn on the toggle to trace back to the activity that the handling unit is on and anchor work (similarly to the shipment/load options that exist).

Warehousing Mobile Device

Changed the field layout for inspections on the Warehousing mobile device. 

For a text-style inspection code, the Inspection Code field is now on the same page as the Comment field.

To implement these changes:

  • Navigate to Warehouse management > Setup > Mobile device > Warehouse app field names
  • Click Create default setup
  • Navigate to Warehouse management > Setup > Mobile device > Warehouse app field priority
  • Click Create default setup

Bug Fixes

Activity Resource WorkbenchFixed an issue that prevented the filter from working properly on the Activity Resource Workbench.
Blind Consolidation Queue
  • Added exception handling to the Blind Consolidation Queue to fix an issue that prevented users from firing the Receipt Complete action.
  • Fixed an issue with status updates during blind consolidation. 
Deliver AppFixed an issue that caused the app to crash when Handling Unit Inquiry was selected for some activities.
Filter CodesFixed an issue that prevented filter codes from populating.
Handling Unit TransfersMade changes to allow handling unit transfers if operation parameters are set to permit them. 
OperationsFixed an issue that prevented users from viewing records after creation. Now, when an operation is enabled for a worker, a viewable operation record is created so the worker can view that operation.
Outbound UnloadMade changes so that phantom activities can be utilized during the outbound unload process.
ReceivingFixed an issue that allowed users to receive into an origin location. 
Search Filters

Fixed an issue that prevented search/filter fields from working properly on several forms: 

  • Activity Templates
  • Attributes
  • Constraints
  • Inspection Codes
  • Inspection Log
  • Inspection Types
  • Position Assignment Hierarchies
  • Positions
  • Schedules
Warehousing Mobile Device Fixed a Logistics order receiving and putaway bug that caused a canceled logistics line to be updated instead of the new logistics line.
Workbench NavigationMade changes so that users can navigate from a completed activity to the Activity Demand Workbench, Activity Resource Workbench, or Load Building Workbench. This allows users to view and edit lines on completed activities, as needed.


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