The Demand section displays logistics orders and logistics order lines that can be paired.
Use the Service Area Filter button to filter demand by service area groups, service areas, and addresses.

Logistics Orders
Click Logistics Orders to view all open logistics orders.

Logistics Order Lines
Click Logistics Order Lines to view all open logistics order lines.

Handling Units
Click Handling Units to view paired handling units.

There are four ways to pair logistics orders and logistics order lines to activities.
Each option is configurable from the Operation Parameters form.

Pair All
Click Pair All to pair the logistics order origin and destination to the activity.
All logistics orders lines, when paired, are inserted as activity lines.
A logistics order paired in this manner is removed from the Demand section when it is completed.
Pair Origin
Click Pair Origin to pair only the logistics order origin.
The origin is inserted as an activity line. The activity destination remains unchanged.
A logistics order paired in this manner does not complete upon arriving at the destination so it remains in the Demand section.
Pair Destination
Click Pair Destination to pair only the logistics order destination.
The destination is inserted as an activity line. The activity origin remains unchanged.
A logistics order paired in this manner completes when it arrives at the destination and is removed from the Demand section.
Add to Activity
Click Add to Activity to pair a logistics order to an activity without pairing the destination or the origin.
At the time of pairing, neither the origin nor the destination are inserted as activity lines.
A logistics order paired in this manner does not complete upon arriving at the destination so it remains in the Demand section.
Preview Pair
Click Preview Pair to view an unpaired logistics order's affect on multiple paired activities.

Enter a number in the Lead Days field to determine how far in advance preview pair functionality searches for comparable activities.
Example: If set to 5, any activities that have a start date within 5 days of the requested date/time of the logistics order/line are considered for preview.