[v2.6] FixedRoute

[v2.6] FixedRoute


This endpoint covers the following functionality:

  • GetActiveFixedRoutes: Returns a list of currently active fixed routes, route information and the collection of stops are on the route.
  • FixedRoute: Provides the ability for an external system to load an address into SCC as a fixed route stop.  

GET /FixedRoute/GetActiveFixedRoutes

PropertyData TypeNotes
namestringFixed route name.

The start date for the fixed route.

effectiveDateEndstringThe end date for the fixed route.
cutoffTimestringThe cutoff time used by the system when determining if the tender can be released on days the route is executed. 
carrierNamestringCarrier servicing the route.
carrierServiceNamestringService of the carrier being used. 
scheduledDaysCollection -StringThe days of the week that the route is run.
stopNamesCollection - StringThe stops included in the fixed route. 

POST /FixedRoute

 Request Body
PropertyData TypeNotes
stopNamestringName assigned to the fixed route stop.
  • Vendor
  • Customer
  • OriginLocation
activebooleanIs the stop active currently?
fixedRouteNamesCollection - String

List of fixed routes this stop is on. 

Should be blank when transmitted to SCC. 

PropertyData TypeNotes
namestringmax length: 100
companystringmax length: 150
attentionTostringmax length: 150
citystringmax length: 150
postalCodestringmax length: 15
stateProvinceCodestringmax length: 5
countryCodestringmax length: 5
phoneNumberstringmax length: 20
residentialbooleanNot applicable.
taxIdstringNot applicable.
emailAddressstringNot applicable.
countystringNot applicable.

PropertyData TypeNotes
vatstringNot applicable.
eoristringNot applicable.

PropertyData TypeNotes

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