Getting Started with Supply Chain Cloud

Getting Started with Supply Chain Cloud

Supply Chain Cloud helps you find the most effective shipping options and connects you directly with the carrier.

Supply Chain Cloud is an Azure product with connectors for multiple host systems that shops top parcel and LTL carriers to provide you with accurate shipping estimates based on package weight, dimensions, delivery location, and time.

Once you select your preferred carrier and delivery method, Supply Chain Cloud gives you the option to generate carrier compliant shipping labels and tracking numbers. All the shipping data ties back to your enterprise system to support account assignments and billing.

Your host system will primarily interact with Supply Chain Cloud in the background; however, there are a few items that need to be set up in Supply Chain Cloud . This guide will walk you through that setup.

 1| Open Email from Avanade

1| Open Email from Avanade

You will receive an email from noreply@bhsolutions.com with the subject "Welcome to Supply Chain Cloud" inviting you to register.


Check your Spam or Junk Email folder if you do not see the email in your Inbox.

Open this email and note the tenant code.

Click Register Now to open the sign in page.

Support Notes

  • Supply Chain Cloud is supported and fully tested on Google Chrome. You may be able to access it on other browsers; however, we cannot guarantee all features will work. 
  • Currently only supports 203 DPI Zebra label printers.
  • Minimum screen resolution: 1366x768.
  • No mobile/touch support.

 2| Register as New User

2| Register as New User

Click the Sign up now link below the Sign in button to open the new user page.

Enter your email address, a new password, and your name.

Copy the tenant code from the Avanade email and paste it in the Tenant Code field.

Select the checkboxes to accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Click Create.

Enter details to set up Multifactor Authentication.

 3| Edit User Account

3| Edit User Account

After you accept the invite and set up an account with a password and tenant code, you are visible on the User Management page.

Navigate to System >  Configurations > Administrator >  User ManagementThis is where you can edit or delete user accounts.

Edit User

Select your user in the list and click Edit to edit the account.

You can make changes to several fields.


Turn on the Receive Supply Chain Cloud update emails? toggle when setting up your initial user to ensure you receive all email notifications for system updates and other important information.

Edit Roles

Select your user in the list and click Security Management to edit the assigned role(s).

Edit Carriers

Select your user in the list and click Trading Partner Access Management to assign or edit carriers that the user can access.

 4| Add Additional Administrators

4| Add Additional Administrators

The user account you configured above is already set as an AdministratorYou may add additional administrators, if desired.

Click the Administrator Settings menu to access User Invites. This is where you can invite a new user to create an account. 

Invite New User

Click New to open a pop-up window and enter the invite details.

You must enter an email address, name, and enable a user role.

You may also enter an invite message.

Edit User Roles

The User Roles section controls the new user's security access within the system. 

By default, there are three available roles:

  • Admin: User is an administrator and can change all settings.
  • General Worker: User is not allowed to change configurations but can access execution and informational pages.
  • Configuration Manager: User can access all non-administrator configurations.

You may add or edit roles on the Roles page.

Send Invite

Click Save to send an email to the specified email address that invites the user to set up an account.

Manage Users

After the invited user accepts the invite and sets up an account, they are visible on the User Management page.

Click the Administrator Settings menu to access User ManagementThis is where you can edit or delete user accounts.

See Step 3 for more information on managing users.

Next Steps

Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management: See Supply Chain Cloud + D365 F&SCM Configuration Guide for next steps.

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