[v2.6] DemandPriority

[v2.6] DemandPriority


The Demand Priority feature is at the core of Orchestrate's value.

It categorizes demand lines and prioritizes which of those lines receives inventory. It also ensures that constraints, such as budgets, safety nets, and pre-allocations, are respected.

If you submit several random demand lines, Orchestrate displays them in a clear and prioritized sequence. It does not make those reservations in the host system, but provides them as suggestions via a Response JSON.

Just as Sourcing uses inventory awareness to determine whether a warehouse is a viable sourcing option, Demand Priority utilizes inventory awareness to determine:

  • how much inventory can be used to fulfill a demand line
  • how much inventory has been consumed as part of a budget and therefore the maximum that can be consumed for a demand line
  • how much inventory must be set aside, or soft-locked, for channel safety nets or customer pre-allocations

Outside of Sourcing, Demand Priority is likely the first step in the Orchestrate process. It helps inform other functions downstream which demand is acted on.

POST /DemandPriority

 Request Body
PropertyData TypeNotes
reservationPriorityTemplate Namestring

Determines the priority of demand channels.

In scenarios where supply is less than the quantity demanded for a given item, the highest-sequenced channels are allocated inventory and vice versa.

PropertyData TypeNotes

Unique identifier for the demand line.


Orchestrate operates on a per line basis.

Each line is evaluated on its own, independent of the order or header information, unless specified otherwise by the feature.

itemNumberstringUnique identifier for the item demanded.

Quantity of the item being demanded.

  • decimal

Unit of measure as defined by the host system.


Orchestrate does not define nor execute unit of measure conversions. 


Requested ship date for the demand.

  • date-time

Profit margin as defined by the host system.

  • decimal

The date and time the line was created.

  • date-time

Yes: The line can be partially fulfilled. Where there are 10 requested units, and there are only 5 units remaining in the given warehouse, the line will be partially fulfilled for 5 units.

No: The line must be entirely fulfilled. Where there are 10 requested units, and there are only 5 units remaining in the given warehouse, the line will not be allocated any units.

warehousestringThe outbound warehouse for the demand quantity.
customerstringThe customer requesting the inventory.
sitestringThe site containing the warehouse.

PropertyData TypeNotes
namestringName of the given attribute attached to the requested demand line.
valuestringWhere applicable, the value of the given attribute.

PropertyData TypeNotes
errorMessagesstringAny errors encountered during the priority logic appear here.

PropertyData TypeNotes
demandLineRecordIdstringUnique identifier for the demand line, matching the corresponding request line.
channelAssignmentstringBased on the attributes of the demand line, the channel it was assigned to.

Within the channel, what priority ranking the line received.


The priority displayed is within the specified channel.

This means that while each channel is prioritized against all other channels, this priority is in relation to other demand lines in the same channel.

  • int32
itemNumberstringUnique identifier for the item demanded.

The quantity requested by the demand line.

  • decimal

The quantity fulfilled based on the logic of the demand priority configurations (i.e., How much inventory can be allocated to this customer given the configured constraints?).

  • decimal
  • Fulfilled: All requested quantity was able to be satisfied.
  • Partially Fulfilled: At least one, but not all, requested units were able to be satisfied.
  • Unfulfilled: None of the requested quantity were satisfied.

Unit of measure as defined by the host system.


Orchestrate does not define nor execute unit of measure conversions. 


Requested ship date for the demand.

  • date-time

Profit margin as defined by the host system.

  • decimal
customerstringThe customer requesting the inventory.
stringIf the item belongs to a budget group, that group is referenced here.

The budget scope dictates the category of demand lines that the budget encompasses.

  • Attribute: Where the demand line has a specific attribute, the budget will be consumed for the corresponding scope (e.g., Customer Group, Mode of Delivery, Region).
  • Customer: Where the demand line is requested by a given customer, the budget will be consumed.
  • Total Channel: Where the demand line requested belongs to a given channel, the budget will be consumed.


Where budget scopes are defined, they are calculated as a sum for the entire scope.

This means if a Customer Budget Scope is set to 100 and 5 customers consume 10 units each of the budget, a total of 50 units will be consumed.

The budget quantity corresponds to the total budgeted, not each.

budgetNamestringThe unique identifier for the budget.

If a budget was interacted with, how much is remaining after calculating the consumed inventory?

  • decimal
preAllocationNamestringIf a pre-allocation was consumed, the name of said pre-allocation.
attributestringIf the pre-allocation was attribute based, the name of said attribute.

The amount of pre-allocated inventory remaining.

  • decimal

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