

The Roles page allows you to create and edit user roles.

These roles determine what functionality a user has access to.

Add or Edit a Role

Click New to create a role or select a role in the list and click Edit to edit a role.


You cannot edit a system role.

Enter or change the name and description, then select or clear permissions for the role. You can also select workflow permissions.

Enter a keyword in the box and click Search to search for a permission.


Workflow permissions that have role permissions tied to them are not enabled until the current role has access to the relating role permission. 

Example: A lock symbol indicates that you cannot configure Purchase Order Create until first granting access to the Create Purchase Order role permission.

Click Delete to delete the role.

Delete a Role

Select a role in the list and click Delete.

You will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the role. Click Delete to remove the role.


You cannot delete a system role.

Copy a Role

Select the desired role and click Copy.

A duplicate is created with a timestamp appended to the end of the name. You can adjust the name and description on the copy.

Copying is useful if multiple (but similar) roles are needed.

Alert Management

Select a role and click Alert Management.

View and select alert types to assign to the role.

Alert types are connected to workflows. You can configure alerts to trigger when a workflow step fails, rejects, or succeeds.

See Alert Types and Workflows for more information on configuring alerts.

 Manage Assigned Users

Manage Assigned Users

Click Manage Assigned Users to manage the selected role.

The Role User Management page displays all users assigned to the selected role.

Add Users

Click Add Users to Role to search for users in the system and add them to the selected role.

Remove Users

Click Remove Users from Role to select assigned users from a list and remove them from the selected role.

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