Logistics Types

Logistics Types

Logistics Execution > Setup > Logistics Types

Logistics types are used to define all resources necessary for the operation. 

Similar to attributes, logistics types are fully customizable within the framework of the predefined logistics types categories, which come standard in the program.

Header Section

Logistics TypeNames the object.
DescriptionDescribes the logistics type.
Logistics Type Category

Indicates the category type:

  • Asset (e.g., tractor, trailer, forklift)
  • Facility (e.g., distribution center, warehouse)
  • Worker (e.g., driver)
  • Operation (e.g., business segment)
  • Position (e.g., location within facility)
  • Logistics Order (e.g., will call, drop-off, lumber, cabinets)
  • Logistics Line: Allows further differentiation of lines on a logistics order.
  • Handling Unit (e.g., pallet, container)

Physical Dimensions Section

Displays physical dimensions if the logistics type category selected is Asset.

Attributes Section

Any number of attributes may be applied to a given logistics type. Within this section, there are several additional fields to enhance configuration and maintain visibility.

Attribute IDNames the attribute.
DescriptionDescribes the attribute.

Indicates where the attribute was inherited from (e.g., parent type).

Has Default Value?If this checkbox is selected, each logistics type entity inherits a default value for the attribute.
Value Editable?

If this checkbox is selected, any logistics type entity can adjust the attribute value.

If this checkbox is cleared, the default logistics type value is permanent.

ValueDisplays the default value of the Attribute ID field.

Child Logistics Type

Create a child logistics type to automatically ascribe physical dimensions, attributes, and constraints from the parent type.


If an International Lonestar Sleeper Cab has a hierarchy of Asset > Tractor > Sleeper Cab > Lonestar, the Lonestar logistics type inherits the basic dimension and attributes of Asset, Tractor, and Sleeper Cab.

Although a child type inherits the dimensions and attributes from its parent, these values can be adjusted at the most specific (lowest) level without compromising any of the associated parent types.

This allows you to maintain default values while still offering infinite customization and granularity among objects.

Constraints Section

Displays criteria that are assigned to the activity master.

The Constraint Restriction field controls whether validation fails (Prevent) or a warning is issued (Warn).

These constraints are checked during activity validation.

Collection Data Types Section

Allows you to attach collection data types to the logistics type.

Assets Section

Displays assets if the logistics type category selected is Asset.

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