Golden Path Flow
Using the Deliver Mobile Application
The Deliver Mobile Application is an in-cab device that is downloadable through either Android or iOS devices.
It enables drivers to execute their activities through a variety of actions. Those actions generally constitute a standard route. This could include standard driver actions, such as arriving and departing a stop, scanning units to load/unload, and capturing a proof of delivery. It can also be used to execute more complex processes such as inspections or data collection.
In this example, an activity is created in Dynamics 365 and then executed using the Deliver application. This represents a dispatcher planning an outbound route, assigning it to a driver, and that route then being executed against.
Activity Maintenance in Dynamics 365
Activity Demand Workbench
Logistics orders are assigned to the activity in D365.
Information about the units and their destinations flow over to the Deliver application so the driver does not have to rely on communication with the dispatcher.
Data such as notes regarding the drop-off point or how to handle a unit are included.
Activity Resource Workbench
Assets and personnel are assigned through the resource workbench.
The driver assigned to the activity will only be able to see it once he/she is assigned.
The application does not allow drivers to see activities assigned to personnel other than themselves; however, drivers are able to view previously completed activities or future activities as long as they are assigned to them.
Activity Maintenance
The real-time monitoring and management of an activity occurs from the maintenance screen.
Any data collected or created via the mobile application will appear here.
Additionally, any planning or modification of an activity is done from this view.
Executing the Activity
After the activity has been assigned to the driver, it becomes visible in the mobile app.
The driver can view the activity stops, load details, and more before it is fully validated.
Prior to validation, the activity cannot be dispatched. Once the activity is valid, it can be started.
There may be some pre-route events that must occur such as a truck inspection.
Navigating to the Activity
A driver may be assigned to multiple activities at once.
By default, when Driver mode is opened in the app, only activities that are incomplete and expected to ship that day display.
Any incomplete and future activities can be viewed via the filter. All past activities can also be viewed through the same function.
If any activities are already in progress, the driver is prompted to open them specifically.
On on the Activity Execution screen, the driver can see available actions.
At a minimum, these include Start, Arrive, Depart, and Complete.
Additional actions are provided depending on the level of complexity. These include Cancel, Inspection, Document Reference, and Transfer.
When the driver selects Start, the statuses for any objects tied to the activity update. The activity itself updates to “Dispatched” and any orders or resources update as well.
Those objects become locked within that activity. While they can be assigned for future activities, they cannot be dispatched until the current one is completed.
An arrival timestamp is applied to the origin stop. This signifies that the truck has started and arrived at the origin facility.
Important: Action IDs are entirely user-defined. For example, the Start action begins an activity, but a user is free to name it Dispatch or Begin.
The Depart action completes the origin stop. A checkmark appears to indicate that the stop has been arrived at and departed from.
If auto-transfers are enabled, units are automatically transferred from the facility to the asset.
The activity is now officially in the transit portion, and any time or distance is attributed to the drive element.
Stop Execution
When a driver arrives at a stop, the time and distance begin attributing to duty instead of driver.
If any units are destined for the current stop, they are automatically transferred to the location unless the activity was set to unload manually.
Note: You can have a mixed transfer process:
Execute manual transfers before arriving at a stop.
Auto-transfers will then trigger when the asset arrives.
Additional processes that can take place at a given stop include:
Collection Data
Proof of Delivery
Once the driver arrives at the final destination, whether customer or facility, they can select the Complete action.
This moves the statuses of the associated objects to “Complete” or “Available” depending on whether they are demand (Activity, Logistics Order, Unit, etc.) or resource based (Truck, Driver, etc.) respectively.
If an order was not completed, that status does not update and it is still for planning purposes.
Reviewing the Activity in Dynamics 365
After the activity is ended, whether by completion or cancellation, the dispatcher can view the execution of the activity from Activity Maintenance.
It now displays the actual times and distances as pulled in from the Deliver Application or otherwise.
Additionally, the dispatcher or D365 user should expect to see:
Full activity history of actions executed for the trip
A route map displaying the GPS tracking for the asset
Any pictures or signatures captured
Any collection data or inspections executed