Channel Demand

Channel Demand

Global order promising > Maintain > Channel demand

Displays demand for inquiry and management.

  • If you click Channel demand on the Demand Channel Template to navigate to this page, it will filter to only display demand for that particular channel.
  • If you navigate to this page from the main menu, demand will not be filtered.

The default setting is to not display fully reserved demand. 

Select the Show fully reserved and/or Show only demand within time fence checkboxes to control what is displayed.

Header Section

Channel IDUnique channel identifier.
DescriptionDescription of the channel.
Demand order type

Order type associated with the channel.

  • Sales
  • Transfer order
  • Raw material

Channel Demand Section

This section displays the demand as currently filtered.

Lot IDLot ID that ties back to the inventory transaction behind the current demand.
Ship Date TimeShip date and time associated with the demand line.
Inbound quantityDisplays the expected receipt quantity for the demand line product within the given time period.
Quantity satisfiedThe amount of demand that has been satisfied in the inventory unit.
Demand quantityThe current demand quantity in the inventory unit.
Handling unit

The handling unit for the inventory:

  • each
  • pieces
Has marking

Indicates whether there are any active dynamic markings for this channel demand record. 

See Dynamic Marking for more information.

Reserve status

Reservation status for the current demand:

  • Not processed: Reservation process still needs to run for this demand line (either reservation has not been performed against this line or something has changed that caused the status to be changed back to "Not processed").
  • Inventory shortage: Unable to reserve due to inventory shortage.
  • Budget limit: Unable to reserve due to hitting a Channel Budget limit.
  • Fully reserved: The full quantity of the demand has been reserved.
Item number/site/warehouse/configuration/size/color/styleItem number/variant information for the current demand.
ReferenceThe demand type for the listed order number.
Order NumberThe order number for the current demand.
Demand validation status

Status of demand validation for the current demand line:

  • Not processed: Demand validation has not been processed against this demand line (or needs to be reprocessed if something has changed).
  • Passed: Demand validation has passed for the current demand.
  • Failed: Demand validation has failed for the current demand.


Demand validation result

Click this button to open the Demand validation result form.

The form displays the validations performed and whether each validation failed, passed, or bypassed.

Display dimensions

Click this button to open a flyout window that allows you to control which item dimensions are displayed in the grid.

Budget exception dashboard

Click this button to open the Budget Exception Dashboard.

The dashboard displays budget exceptions for the current demand record.

Demand validation exception

Click this button to open the Demand Validation Exception form.

The form displays validation exception records related to the current demand record (whether actionable or not).

Item substitution action message

Click this button to open the Item Substitution Action Message form.

The form displays item substitution action message records related to the current demand record (whether actionable or not).

Inbound receipts

Click this button to open the Inbound receipts form.

The form displays planned inbound receipts with inventory related to the demand request.

Marking transactions

Click this button to open the Inbound receipts form.

The form displays inbound receipts dynamically marked to the channel demand.

Remove dynamic markings

Click this button to remove any dynamic markings for the channel.

See Dynamic Marking for more information.

Channel Demand from Sales Order

 Channel Demand from Sales Order

You can also view channel demand for all order lines on a sales order.

All sales order > Global order promising tab > Channel demand

Click Channel demand in the General section on the Global order promising tab to open the Order channel demand order form that displays demand for all order lines on that order.

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