Demand Priority
Demand Priority Overview
Demand Priority is at the core of Orchestrate's value.
Similar to Demand Priority in its D365 counterpart, Order, Orchestrate categorizes demand lines and prioritizes which of those lines receives inventory. It also ensures that constraints, such as budgets and safety nets, are respected.
If you submit several random demand lines, Orchestrate displays them in a clear and prioritized sequence. It does not make those reservations in the host system, but provides them as suggestions via a Response JSON.
Just as Sourcing uses inventory awareness to determine whether a warehouse is a viable sourcing option, Demand Priority utilizes inventory awareness to determine:
how much inventory can be used to fulfill a demand line
how much inventory has been consumed as part of a budget and therefore the maximum that can be consumed for a demand line
how much inventory must be set aside, or soft-locked, for channel safety nets or customer pre-allocations
Demand Priority and Sourcing are likely the first steps in the Orchestrate process. Demand Priority informs functions downstream which demand is acted on.
Q: How is available inventory calculated?
- A: Inventory is taken from the On-Hand Inventory page, which is updated through an API.
- A: Each line evaluates available inventory on its own. Generally, the calculation is [Available Inventory = Inventory - Remaining Pre-Allocated Qty - Higher Priority Safety Qty].
Q: Will demand validation or substitution be included?
- A: Demand validation is not included in the current state but is on the roadmap.
- A: Substitution is not included but is also on the roadmap behind demand validations.
Q: Can a safety net exceed a budget?
- A: A safety net can exceed a budget. There is a demand channel configuration to determine how much it can be exceeded by.