Document Groups - Vendor

Document Groups - Vendor

The Document Groups page allows you to create a group of documents that you can request be attached to a business transaction.

See Workflows for more information on configuring requirements.


You must create document types before you create groups. See Document Types for more information.

New or Edit Document Group

Click New to create a document group. Click Edit to edit a document group.

This opens a pop-up window where you can select the document types that you want to be part of the group.

Once you assign documents to a group, you can select which documents are required.


  • You must assign a document group if you want to require documents for a business transaction. You can create a group that has just one document type if only one document is required. 
  • You can assign document types without making them required.

Delete Document Group

Select the desired record and click Delete to delete a document group.

Click OK on the confirmation pop-up window to confirm the deletion.

Import/Export Document Group

Click Import and select your file(s) to import a document group.

Select a record and click Export to export a document group.

Click Export All to export all displayed records.

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