Order 2023.1.3.0

Quick Links


If you have both Supply Chain Cloud and Order installed, you must use compatible versions:

  • Order: 2023.1.3.1
  • Supply Chain Cloud: 2023.1.16.0

Documentation Links

If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to Blue Horseshoe, Part of Accenture.

New Features

Budget Value by Percentage

Added the ability to specify a percentage of inventory when setting a budget for a channel.

Example: Budget 25% of current available inventory for a particular channel.

When budgeting by percentage, the Budget quantity column becomes Budget percentage on the Budget Tracking form.

Suggested Carriers

Added the ability to move a suggested carrier service to the order to be used during the waving process.

Suggested carriers and services are configured through the Manage Routing Guide Details functionality in Supply Chain Cloud.

Bug Fixes

Budget Tracking EntityFixed an issue with the GOPBudgetTrackingEntity that allowed users to import the data entity.


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