Custom Reports - Freight Invoice

Custom Reports - Freight Invoice

The Custom Reports page allows you to create, edit, and delete custom documents.

These documents can be assigned for a business transaction.

New or Edit Custom Report

Click New to create a custom report. Click Edit to edit a custom report.

When you click New, a menu displays several options:

Select PDF, API JSON, or Channel JSON to open a pop-up window that allows you to configure the selected report type and select which roles can access the report.

Report Designer

 Report Designer

Click Report Designer on a report line to customize the report.

The Report Designer allows you to customize, preview, and download the report.

Click Download client logo to obtain a copy of your logo so that it can be added to your custom report.

Click the side arrows to expand your editing options.

  • 1| Design Surface: Displays the design layout of the report. Provides tools for selecting, moving, resizing, and editing the report items.

  • 2| Menu: Provides buttons for creating a new report and opening, saving, or previewing an existing one. Allows you to switch between loaded reports and displays their save states.

  • 3| Properties Area: Displays the properties of the selected report item. If multiple items are selected, displays only the properties that can be applied to all items in the current selection. You can organize the list by category or alphabetical order.

  • 4| Components: Displays components you can add to the report. Items are organized in groups based on type. You can choose between grid or list view..

  • 5| Explorer: Displays the report structure in a tree menu. Allows you to select visual and non-visual report components and configure their properties.

See Telerik's Web Report Designer Overview for more information.

Click Preview to view the report.

Use the toolbar to navigate through the report or zoom in our out. You can also download or print the report from here.

Click Design to return to the editor.

Custom Reports Tab

Click the Custom Reports tab on each of the business transaction summary pages to view custom reports for that business transaction type.

See Purchase Order SummaryShipment Summary, and Transportation Tender Summary for more information.

Delete Custom Report

Select the desired record and click Delete to delete a custom report.

Click OK on the confirmation pop-up window to confirm the deletion.

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