Budget Tracking

Budget Tracking

The Budget Tracking page displays current (and possibly past) budget tracking records.

These can be used for research or for a current snapshot regarding budget status.

See Demand Channels for information on configuring budgets for demand channels.

Channel ID

Channel ID associated with this budget tracking record.

DescriptionDescription of the channel ID.
Host ItemItem associated with this budget tracking record.

Site associated with the budget tracking record (if Site is used for the associated budget configuration).


Warehouse associated with the budget tracking record (if Warehouse is used for the associated budget configuration).

Committed QuantityQuantity that has been committed to demand.
Budget Quantity

Overall budget amount.

This includes the maximum budget allotted for the scope and time frame.

Budget Quantity Remaining

Amount of budget left for future demand. 

ScopeScope for this budget tracking record.

The name of the entity related to the budget scope:

  • Total Channel: Channel name.
  • Customer: Customer name.
  • Attribute: Name of attribute utilized for the scope.


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