Pre-Allocation Tracking

Pre-Allocation Tracking

The Pre-Allocation Tracking page displays all pre-allocations.

Each pre-allocation record is pulled from your configured Pre-Allocations per customer.

Pre-Allocation IDPre-allocation ID associated with this pre-allocation tracking record.
Host ItemItem associated with this pre-allocation tracking record.
Effective Start DateStart date associated with this pre-allocation tracking record.
Effective End Date

End date associated with this pre-allocation tracking record.


Site associated with this pre-allocation tracking record (if Site is used for the associated configuration).

WarehouseWarehouse associated with this pre-allocation tracking record (if Warehouse is used for the associated configuration).

Customer associated with this pre-allocation tracking record.

If the pre-allocation was an attribute-level configuration, this field is blank.


Attribute associated with this pre-allocation tracking record.

If the pre-allocation was a customer-level configuration, this field is blank.

Pre-Allocation QuantityThe item quantity to set aside for the specified customer or attribute.
Consumed QuantityThe amount of the pre-allocated quantity that has been promised to specific orders.

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