Legacy - Activity Maintenance with Desktop Version

All items in Driver mode of the Deliver app tie back to the centralized database that is Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management in real time.

These touchpoints are outlined below.

 Activity Page = Activity Maintenance

Activity Page = Activity Maintenance

When the desktop user selects an activity, all pertinent activity information and options display on the Activity Maintenance form.

 Activity Page Header = General and Activity Lines Sections

Activity Page Header = General and Activity Lines Sections

Similar to the header of the Activity page in the app, the General and Activity Lines sections provide basic activity information, including the activity ID, activity status, and starting address.

 Activity Page Stops = Activity Lines and Stops Sections

Activity Page Stops = Activity Lines and Stops Sections

The Activity Lines section and Stop Information flyout window display the stop addresses, logistics orders tied to those stops, and the number of stops on the activity. 

 Get Directions = Route Map

Get Directions = Route Map

Similar to the Get Directions option in the app, select Route Map in the History section of the View ribbon option to open a map view of the activity.

 View Line Info = Activity Lines Section

View Line Info = Activity Lines Section

The line information is listed out in the Activity Lines section.

Click Reference Numbers and then click the Logistics Order field value to view more detailed information on each line.

Click each logistics order ID to open the corresponding logistics order form.

 Capture Signature and Take Photo = Images Section

Capture Signature and Take Photo = Images Section

A captured signature or a photo from the app automatically uploads to the desktop version.

Click Image Handling to view these images on the Images flyout window.

The images are also added to the Images flyout window accessed from the corresponding logistics order forms.



Because the Deliver app runs on a mobile phone, the phone needs to allow location access to the app.

This allows the app to track driver movement while the resource is using the app. This is necessary to not only show that the driver arrived at the actual pickup and delivery locations, but also to provide a complete view of the activity via GPS pings.

Upon activity completion, click Route Map on the Activity Maintenance page to review the route taken by the resource. The map highlights any unexpected deviations from the route.


The time and distance between GPS pings are configurable from the Mobile App FastTab on the Parameters form in the Logistics Execution module.

You can also turn off GPS to stop the return of GPS data from the app. This is useful when you are using the app with Geotab or another device. 

 Inbound Process Queue

Inbound Process Queue 

While the Route Map makes a record of the GPS pings recorded along the activity, the Inbound Process Queue (IPQ) keeps a timestamped record of the actions executed along the activity.

The IPQ keeps a record of the date and time the action was submitted, as well as the date and time the action was actually executed in the system.

The IPQ can be accessed from the History section of the View tab on the Activity Maintenance ribbon.

 Activity Page Actions =  Actions Section

Activity Page Actions =  Actions Section

The actions offered in the Actions section on the Activity Maintenance ribbon are the same as those in Driver mode of the Deliver app. 

However, the desktop version includes the ancillary actions not listed in the app.

Whether you execute actions from the app or the desktop version, the same results are produced on the activity.

The Start/Begin action populates:

  • the Start Date Time field on the Time and Distance flyout window (View > Time and Distance on the ribbon)
  • the Arrival Date Time field for the origin location on the Stop Information flyout window (Stop Information button in the Activity Lines section)

The Complete/End action populates:

  • the End Date Time field on the Time and Distance flyout window (View > Time and Distance on the ribbon)
  • the Depart Date Time field on the Stop Information flyout window (Stop Information button in the Activity Lines section)

Depart and Arrive actions timestamp their respective fields.


The driver does not have to execute the stops in order. Stops can be completed in whichever order the driver deems best, or skipped entirely. Completion of all stops is not necessary to complete the activity.


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